Phones in Indonesia

Phones in Indonesia

Indonesia - Phone Numbers -
Indonesia / ID / IDN / +62 - Telephone numbers in Indonesia
Country Code : +62 -
International Call Prefix : 00 -
Telephone numbers in Indonesia have different systems for land lines and mobile phones: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not.
For land line area codes, the digit "0" is added in front when dialing domestic long distance from within Indonesia, but is always omitted when calling from abroad. Instead, callers would use the Indonesian country code +62, followed by the area code, without the "0". Domestic phone numbers in large cities have 8 digits, and in other areas 7 digits. Mobile phone numbers have a total of 10 or 11 digits for postpaid depending on the operator, whereas prepaid services get 11 to 12 digits determined by the operator.
Until October 1999, East Timor was included in the Indonesia Telephone Code Plan, using the area codes 0390 (for Dili) and 0399 for (Baucau).
To make a phone call to Indonesia from abroad, the following format is used: <IDD access number> 62 <area code> <phone number>
For calls to mobile wireless phone (GSM) from abroad: <IDD access number> 62 <prefix> <phone number>
  • Overview
  • [
  • Operators
  • International call operators:
    PT Indosat: 101
    PT Telkom: 107.
    Domestic call operators: 100. International phone number information: 102. Local phone number information: 108. Phone number information in other area:
    <Area code> 108.
  • International Direct Dialing Prefix
  • PT Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk (XL): 01000 (Voice over IP)
    PT Indosat: 001, 008 or 01016 (voice over IP).
    PT Telkom: 007 or 01017 (Voice over IP).
    PT Bakrie Telecom: 009
    To make an International phone call from Indonesia you should use the following format:
    <IDD prefix> <country code> <area code> <phone number>
  • Fixed CDMA Wireless
  • PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (Esia): (area code)-9XXX-XXXX, (area code)-8XXX-XXXX
    PT Telkom Tbk (TelkomFlexi): (area code)-54XX-XXX, (area code)-7XXX-XXX, (area code)-80XX-XXX, (area code)-81XX-XXX, (area code)-68XX-XXX, (area code)-3XXX-XXXX
    PT Indosat Tbk (StarOne): (area code)-30XX-XXXX, (area code)-60XX-XXXX, (area code)-61XX-XXX, (area code)-62XX-XXX, (area code)-63XX-XXX, (area-code)-90XX-XXXX
    PT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (Hepi): (area code)-50XX-XXXX, (area code)-21XX-XXXX, (area code)-31XX-XXXX
  • CDMA Mobile Wireless
  • PT Mobile8 (Fren): 0888-XXXX-XXXX
    PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria): 0828-xxxx-xxxx
    PT. Sinar Mas (Smart): 0881-xxxx-xxx 0882-XXX-XXX
  • GSM Mobile Wireless
  • PT. Indosat
    Matrix prefix - :
    0814 (11-12 digit, 3.5G)
    0815 (11 digit)
    0816 (10 digit)
    0855 (11 digit, Auto)
    Mentari prefix - :
    0815 (12 digit)
    0858 (12 digit, New)
    IM3 prefix - :
    0856 (11-12 digit)
    0857 (12 digit, New)
    PT. Telkomsel
    kartuHALO prefix - :
    0811 (10-11 digit, normal, hybrid, data)
    0812 (11 digit, normal, hybrid, data)
    simPATI prefix - :
    0812 (12 digit, PeDe)
    0813 (12 digit)
    kartu As prefix - :
    0852 (12 digit)
    0853 (12 digit, New)
    PT. Excelcomindo
    XL Postpaid Xplor prefix - :
    0817 (10-11 digit, New)
    0818 (10 digit)
    0819 (11 digit, New)
    XL Prepaid Bebas prefix - :
    0818 (12 digit)
    0819 (12 digit, New)
    0859 (12 digit)
    0877 (12 digit, New)
    0878 (12 digit, New)
    0879 (12 digit, New)
    0817 (11 digit)
    0818 (12 digit)
    0817 (11 digit)
    0818 (12 digit)
    PT. Hutchison CP Telecommunications
    3 prefix - :
    0899 (11 digit)
    0898 (11 digit, New)
    0897 (11 digit, New)
    PT. Natrindo Telepon Selular Lippo Telecom
    Axis prefix - :
    0838 (11-12 digit)
    0831 (11 digit)
  • Satellite Phone
  • PT Indosat: Inmarsat.
    PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara: Baru, prefix: 08681.
  • Area 2
  • These are area codes for the provinces of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Yogyakarta, and Central Java.
  • Jakarta
  • Jakarta - 21
  • Banten
  • Rangkasbitung - 252
    Cilegon - 254
    Cipanas - 255
  • West Java
  • Bandung - 22
    Cimahi - 22
    Cirebon - 231
    Kuningan - 232
    Majalengka - 233
    Indramayu - 234
    Bogor - 251
    Subang - 260
    Sumedang - 261
    Garut - 262
    Cianjur - 263
    Purwakarta - 264
    Banjar - 265
    Ciamis - 265
    Sukabumi - 266
    Palabuhanratu - 266
    Karawang - 267
    Tasikmalaya - 265
  • Central Java
  • Semarang - 24
    Solo - 271
    Klaten - 272
    Wonogiri - 273
    Purworejo - 275
    Sidareja - 280
    Purbalingga - 281
    Cilacap - 282
    Slawi - 283
    Pemalang - 284
    Pekalongan - 285
    Banjarnegara - 286
    Kebumen - 287
    Kudus - 291
    Magelang - 293
    Kendal - 294
    Pati - 295
    Blora - 296
    Salatiga - 298
  • Yogyakarta
  • All areas—274
  • Area 3
  • These are area codes for the provinces of East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara.
  • East Java
  • Surabaya - 31
    Mojokerto - 321
    Lamongan - 322
    Pamekasan - 324
    Sumenep - 328
    Jember - 331
    Bondowoso - 332
    Banyuwangi - 333
    Lumajang - 334
    Probolinggo - 335
    Situbondo - 338
    Malang - 341
    Blitar - 342
    Pasuruan - 343
    Madiun - 351
    Ponorogo - 352
    Bojonegoro - 353
    Kediri - 354
    Tulung Agung - 355
    Tuban - 356
    Ngawi - 351
  • Bali
  • Denpasar - 361
    Singaraja - 362
    Buitan Village - 363
    Bangli - 366
  • West Nusa Tenggara
  • Mataram - 370
    Sumbawa Besar - 371
    Dompu - 373
    Bima - 374
    Selong - 376
  • East Nusa Tenggara
  • Alor Islands - 379
    Kupang - 380
    Ende - 381
    Maumere - 382
    Larantuka - 383
    Bajawa - 384
    Ruteng - 385
    Labuhan Bajo - 386
    Sumba - 387
    Kefamenanu - 388
    Atambua - 389
  • Area 4
  • These are area codes for the provinces of West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, and Gorontalo.
  • South East Sulawesi
  • Kendari - 401
    Bau Bau - 402
    Raha - 403
    Kolaka - 405
    Unaaha - 408
  • South Sulawesi
  • Pangkajene - 410
    Makassar - 411
    Bulukumba - 413
    Selayar Islands - 414
    Takalar - 418
    Jeneponto - 419
    Enrekang - 420
    Pare Pare - 421
    Makale - 423
    Barru - 427
    Palopo - 471
    Masamba - 473
    Malili - 474
    Bone - 481
    Sinjai - 482
    Soppeng - 484
    Sengkang - 485
  • West Sulawesi
  • Majene - 422
    Mamuju - 426
    Polewali - 428
  • Central Sulawesi
  • Bungku - 409
    Palu - 451
    Poso - 452
    Toli-Toli - 453
    Donggala - 457
    Luwuk - 461
    Salakan - 462
  • North Sulawesi
  • Amurang - 430
    Manado - 431
    Tahuna - 432
    Melonguane - 434
    Tomohon - 436
    Bitung - 438
  • Gorontalo
  • Gorontalo - 435
  • Area 5
  • These are area codes for the provinces of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan.
  • West Kalimantan
  • Ketapang - 534
    Pontianak - 561
    Sambas - 562
    Ngabang - 563
    Sanggau - 564
    Sintang - 565
    Sekadau - 566
    Putussibau - 567
    Nanga Pinoh - 568
  • Central Kalimantan
  • Kuala Kapuas - 513
    Muara Teweh - 519
    Buntok - 526
    Purukcahu - 528
    Sampit - 531
    Pangkalanbun - 532
    Palangkaraya - 536
    Kuala Kurun - 537
    Kuala Pembuang - 539
  • South Kalimantan
  • Banjarmasin - 511
    Kota Baru - 515
    Tanjung - 516
    Barabai - 517
    Paringin - 518
  • East Kalimantan
  • Samarinda - 541
    Balikpapan - 542
    Tanah Grogot - 543
    Bontang - 548
    Sangata - 549
    Tarakan - 551
    Tanjung Selor - 552
    Malinau - 553
    Tanjung Redeb - 554
    Nunukan - 556
  • Area 6
  • These are area codes for the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.
  • Aceh
  • Kutacane - 629
    Langsa - 641
    Blangkajeren - 642
    Takengon - 643
    Bireun - 644
    Lhokseumawe - 645
    Sinabang - 650
    Banda Aceh - 651
    Sabang - 652
    Sigli - 653
    Calang - 654
    Meulaboh - 655
    Tapak Tuan - 656
    Singkil - 658
    Blangpidie - 659
  • North Sumatra
  • Medan - 61
    Binjai - 619
    Pangkalan Brandan - 620
    Tebingtinggi - 621
    Pematang Siantar - 622
    Tanjung Balai - 623
    Rantauprapat - 624
    Prapat - 625
    Pangururan - 626
    Sidikalang - 627
    Kabanjahe - 628
    Sibolga - 631
    Balige - 632
    Tarutung - 633
    Padang Sidempuan - 634
    Penyabungan - 636
    Nias - 639
  • Area 7
  • These are area codes for the Provinces of West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Bangka-Belitung, and Lampung.
  • West Sumatra
  • Padang - 751
    Bukittinggi - 752
    Lubuksikaping - 753
    Sawahlunto - 754
    Solok - 755
    Painan - 756
    Balai Selasa - 757
    Padang Panjang - 758
    Payakumbuh - 759
  • Riau
  • Teluk Kuantan - 760
    Pekanbaru - 761
    Bangkinang - 762
    Siak Sri Indrapura - 764
    Dumai - 765
    Bengkalis - 766
    Tembilahan - 768
    Rengat - 769
  • Riau Islands
  • Tanjungpinang - 771
    Ranai - 773
    Tanjungbalai Karimun - 777
    Batam - 778
  • Jambi
  • Jambi - 741
    Kuala Tungkal - 742
    Muara Bulian - 743
    Muaro Tebo - 744
    Sarolangun - 745
    Bangko - 746
    Muaro Bungo - 747
    Sungai Penuh - 748
  • South Sumatra
  • Palembang - 711
    Kayu Agung - 712
    Prabumulih - 713
    Sekayu - 714
    Pagar Alam - 730
    Lahat - 731
    Lubuk Linggau - 733
    Muara Enim - 734
    Baturaja - 735
  • Bangka-Belitung
  • Pangkal Pinang - 717
    Tanjung Pandan - 719
  • Bengkulu
  • Curup - 732
    Tanjung Enim - 734
    Bengkulu - 736
    Argamakmur - 737
    Manna - 739
  • Lampung
  • Bandar Lampung - 721
    Kota Agung - 722
    Kotabumi - 724
    Metro - 725
    Sukadana - 726
    Kalianda - 727
    Liwa - 728
    Tanggamus - 729
  • Area 9
  • These are area codes for the provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua, and Papua.
  • Maluku
  • Banda Naira - 910
    Ambon - 911
    Namlea - 913
    Masohi - 914
    Tual - 916
    Dobo - 917
    Saumlaki - 918
  • North Maluku
  • Weda - 920
    Ternate - 921
    Tobelo - 924
    Tidore - 929
  • West Papua
  • Sorong - 951
    Kaimana - 956
    Fak Fak - 958
    Manokwari - 962
  • Papua
  • Timika - 901
    Serui - 963
    Jayapura - 967
    Wamena - 969
    Merauke - 971
    Tembagapura - 979
    Biak - 981
    Nabire - 984
  • See also
  • Communications in Indonesia 1 Transcontinental country.
    References From Telephone_numbers_in_Indonesia
    All articles lacking sources
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Basa Jawa
  • Bahasa Melayu
  • Basa Sunda
  • Telkomsel

    Company : Telkomsel
    Website :  Telkomsel

    Phone : 188 / 0807-1-811-811 (PSTN)
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube


    Telkomsel is one of the leading mobile network operators in Indonesia and is a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Selular. The company is recognized for offering a wide range of communication services, including mobile telephony, Internet access, data services and other telecommunications-related services.

    Telkomsel highlights:

    • Mobile Phone Services: Telkomsel is one of the leading mobile phone operators in Indonesia and offers voice, text messaging and mobile data services to its customers. The company competes in the Indonesian mobile phone market and offers a wide variety of plans and services.

    • Internet Access and Broadband: The company offers high-speed Internet access and broadband services to homes and businesses in Indonesia, including mobile and fixed broadband services.

    • Innovation and Development: Telkomsel has invested in advanced technologies and has focused on expanding its services to meet the growing communication and data demands in Indonesia.

    • Business Services: In addition to its consumer offerings, Telkomsel provides business communications solutions and data services for businesses and organizations.

    Telkomsel plays a key role in the telecommunications market in Indonesia and has contributed to the development of communications and technology in the country, providing a variety of telecommunications services to its customers.

    Plans :

    RoaMAX East Timor Combo (3 days)

    • 30GB of internet. Valid for 3 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX East Timor for 25 months.
    • Includes 25 SMS.
    • Price: Rp. 125,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Qatar (7 days)

    • 10GB of internet. Valid for 7 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX Qatar for 9GB.
    • Includes RoaMAX Negara Transit for 1GB.
    • Price: Rp. 150,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Qatar (30 days)

    • 20GB of internet. Valid for 30 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX Qatar for 20GB.
    • Price: Rp. 300,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Türkiye (7 days)

    • 5GB of internet. Valid for 7 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX Türkiye for 4GB.
    • Includes RoaMAX Negara Transit for 1GB.
    • Price: Rp. 200,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Europe (7 days)

    • 5GB of internet. Valid for 7 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX Europe for 4GB.
    • Includes RoaMAX Negara Transit for 1GB.
    • Price: Rp. 300,000.

    Internet RoaMAX America Serikat and Canada (7 days)

    • 5GB of internet. Valid for 7 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX America Serikat and Canada for 4GB.
    • Includes RoaMAX Negara Transit for 1GB.
    • Price: Rp. 300,000.

    Internet RoaMAX America Serikat (15 days)

    • 10GB of internet. Valid for 15 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX America Serikat for 9GB.
    • Includes RoaMAX Negara Transit for 1GB.
    • Price: Rp. 400,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Asia Australia (15 days)

    • 5GB of internet. Valid for 15 days.
    • Includes RoaMAX Asia Australia for 5GB.
    • Price: Rp. 250,000.

    Internet RoaMAX Occidental (3 days)

    • 3GB of internet. Valid for 3 days.
    • Includes Western RoaMAX for 3GB.
    • Price: Rp. 200,000.

    RoaMAX Internet Booster (1 day)

    • 2GB of internet. Valid for 1 day.
    • Includes RoaMAX Enhancer for 2GB.
    • Price: Rp. 100,000.

    Ekstra Nelpon Harián (1 day)

    • Calls to the operator to all numbers for 60 million for Rp. 5,000.

    Ekstra Nelpon Harián (3 days)

    • Calls to the operator to all numbers for 100 million Rp. 8,000.

    Ekstra Nelpon Harián (7 days)

    • Calls to the operator to all numbers for 150 million Rp. 12,000.

    Ekstra Nelpon Bulanan (30 days)

    • Calls to the operator to all numbers for 150 million for Rp. 15,000.

    Prepaid :

    Talkmania Siang

    • Calls to TSEL (Operator lying down) for 1 day for Rp. 4,700 with 500 million.

    Talkmania Malam

    • Calls to TSEL (Operator lying down) for 1 day for Rp. 4,700 with 400 million.

    Tinder Plus Package

    • 2 GB of internet valid for 30 days.
    • 1 GB internet for Tinder DPI.
    • Tinder Plus coupon valid for 30 years for Rp. 32,000.

    Ekstra Kuota 3GB

    • 3 GB of additional internet.
    • 0.5 GB of regular internet.
    • 2.5 GB of Kuota apps for Rp. 15,000.

    Ekstra Kuota 9.5GB

    • 9.5 GB of additional internet.
    • 2 GB regular internet.
    • 7.5 GB of Kuota apps for Rp. 30,000.

    Ekstra Kuota 11.5GB

    • 11.5 GB of additional internet.
    • 4 GB regular internet.
    • 7.5 GB of Kuota apps for Rp. 40,000.

    Ekstra Kuota 17.5GB

    • 17.5 GB of additional internet.
    • 7 GB regular internet.
    • 10.5 GB of Kuota apps for Rp. 50,000.

    Ketengan Ilmupedia

    • Ilmupedia data packages with different amounts of GB and durations, from 1 GB for 1 day to 28 GB for 7 days.

    Bulanan Ilmupedia

    • Ilmupedia data packages with different amounts of GB and durations, from 10 GB for 30 days to 20 GB for 30 days.

    Ketengan Ruangguru

    • Ruangguru data packs with different amounts of GB and durations, from 1 GB for 1 day to 28 GB for 7 days.

    Indosat Ooredoo

    Company : Indosat Ooredoo
    Website :  Indosat Ooredoo

    Phone : (+62) 21 30003001
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

    Indosat Ooredoo

    Indosat Ooredoo, known as Indosat, is one of the leading telecommunications operators in Indonesia. The company is a subsidiary of Ooredoo Group, a telecommunications company based in Qatar.

    Indosat Ooredoo Highlights:

    • Mobile Phone Services: Indosat Ooredoo is one of the largest mobile phone operators in Indonesia and provides voice, text messaging and mobile data services to its customers. The company offers a variety of plans and services to meet the needs of users.

    • Internet Access and Broadband: The company offers Internet access and broadband services, including mobile and fixed broadband services, allowing customers to connect to the network fast and efficient.

    • Innovation and Development: Indosat Ooredoo has invested in advanced technologies and has focused on expanding its services to keep up with the growing communication and data demands in Indonesia.

    • Business Services: In addition to its consumer offerings, the company provides business communications solutions and data services for businesses and organizations.

    Indosat Ooredoo plays a key role in the telecommunications market in Indonesia and has contributed to the development of communications and technology in the country, providing a wide variety of telecommunications services to its customers.

    Plans :

    First 70

    • Main fee: 10GB of internet.
    • Calls: 10 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to others.
    • Application quota: 5GB.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Safe for bills.
    • Price: IDR 70,000 / 30 days.

    First 100

    • Main quota: 20GB of internet.
    • Calls: 100 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to IM3 Ooredoo.
    • Application quota: 10GB.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Safe for bills.
    • Price: IDR 100,000 / 30 days.

    First 150

    • Main fee: 40GB of internet.
    • Calls: 150 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to IM3 Ooredoo.
    • Main quota: 10GB.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Safe for bills.
    • Price: IDR 150,000 / 30 days.

    First 200

    • Main fee: 50GB of internet.
    • Calls: 250 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to others.
    • Application quota: 20GB.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Price: IDR 200,000 / 30 days.

    First 300

    • Main fee: 80GB of internet.
    • Calls: 300 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to IM3 Ooredoo.
    • Application quota: 40GB.
    • Roaming and IDD discount.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Safe for bills.
    • Price: IDR 300,000 / 30 days.

    First 450

    • Main fee: 150GB of internet.
    • Calls: 300 minutes.
    • 5000 minutes of calls to IM3 Ooredoo.
    • Application quota: 50GB.
    • Roaming and IDD discount.
    • Lifestyle benefits.
    • Safe for bills.
    • Price: IDR 450,000 / 30 days.

    Prepaid :

    Internet Freedom 3GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 3GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: 20,000 Indian rupees.

    Freedom Internet 5GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 5GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: 30,000 IDR.

    Freedom Internet 12GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main quota: 12GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: IDR 50,000.

    Freedom Internet 24GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 24GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: 80,000 Indian rupees.

    Freedom Internet 35GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 35GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: IDR 100,000.

    Freedom Internet 50GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 50GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Price: 120,000 Indian rupees.

    Freedom Internet 100GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 100GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • Unlimited calls to IM3 and Tri (5,000 minutes).
    • Available in *123#, MyIM3, Whatsapp IM3 and e-commerce.
    • Price: IDR 150,000.

    Freedom Internet 200GB / 30 Days

    • Validity period: 30 days.
    • Main fee: 200GB of internet.
    • Secure credit.
    • 20% discount (usually 200,000).
    • Available at *123#, MyIM3, Whatsapp IM3, E-commerce and Outlets.
    • Price: 160,000 Indian rupees.


    Company : XL
    Website :  XL

    Phone : 817 / +62 21 57 959 817
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

    XL Axiata

    XL Axiata, known as XL, is one of the leading telecommunications operators in Indonesia. The company offers a wide range of communication services, including mobile telephony, Internet access, data services and other telecommunications-related services.

    XL Axiata Highlights:

    • Mobile Phone Services: XL is one of the leading mobile phone operators in Indonesia and offers voice, text messaging and mobile data services to its customers. The company competes in the Indonesian mobile phone market and provides a wide variety of plans and services.

    • Internet and Broadband Access: The company offers Internet access and broadband services, including mobile and fixed broadband services, allowing customers to connect to the network quickly and efficient.

    • Innovation and Development: XL Axiata has been investing in advanced technologies and has focused on expanding its services to meet the growing communication and data demands in Indonesia.

    • Business Services: In addition to its consumer offerings, XL provides business communications solutions and data services for businesses and organizations.

    XL Axiata plays an important role in the telecommunications market in Indonesia and has contributed to the development of communications and technology in the country, providing a variety of telecommunications services to its customers.

    Plans :

    Xtra Combo Flex S+

    • Main Quota: 3 GB
    • Area Quota: up to 7 GB
    • Calls to All Operators: 5 minutes
    • Turbo Chat: WhatsApp, Line
    • Price: Rp31,000

    Xtra Combo Flex M

    • Double fee
    • 48.5 GB of data
    • Valid for 30 days
    • Discounted price: Rp43,000
    • Regular price: Rp35,000

    Xtra Combo Flex L

    • Double fee
    • 73 GB of data
    • Valid for 30 days
    • Discounted price: Rp62,000
    • Regular price: Rp45,000

    Xtra Combo Flex XL (Most popular)

    • Double fee
    • 111 GB of data
    • Valid for 30 days
    • Discounted price: Rp87,000
    • Regular price: Rp65,000

    Xtra Combo Flex XXL

    • Double fee
    • 194 GB of data
    • Valid for 30 days
    • Discounted price: Rp117,000
    • Regular price: Rp85,000

    Xtra Combo Flex XXXL

    • Double fee
    • 350 GB of data
    • Valid for 30 days
    • Discounted price: Rp142,000
    • Regular price: Rp100,000

    Prepaid :

    eSIM card

    • Xtra Combo Flex M
      • 74 GB of data
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Discounted price: 43,000 Indian rupees
      • Regular price: 35,000 Indian rupees
    • Xtra Combo Flex L
      • 114 GB of data
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Discounted price: 62,000 Indian rupees
      • Regular price: 45,000 Indian rupees
    • Xtra Combo Flex XL
      • 166 GB of data
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Discounted price: 87,000 Indian rupees
      • Normal price: 65,000 Indian rupees
    • Xtra FlexXXL Combo
      • 280 GB of data
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Discounted price: 117,000 Indian rupees
      • Regular price: 85,000 Indian rupees
    • Xtra Combo Flex XXXL
      • 450 GB of data
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Discounted price: 142,000 Indian rupees
      • Normal price: 100,000 Indian rupees


    Company : Smartfren
    Website :  Smartfren

    Phone : 888 / +62 8811223344 / 021 - 50100000
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube


    Smartfren is an established player in the Indonesian telecommunications industry. It offers high-speed Internet and innovative mobile services that have created a strong customer base. Enjoy browsing convenience with a full 4G connection and a selection of packages to suit your needs.

    Smartfren is one of the telecommunications operators in Indonesia and specializes in mobile communications services and long-distance Internet access.

    Smartfren Highlights:

    • Mobile communication services: Smartfren offers mobile telephone services, including voice, text messaging and mobile data. The company operates in the Indonesian mobile market and offers customers a variety of plans and services.

    • Broadband Internet Access: Smartfren is focused on providing Broadband Internet access services, including mobile and high-speed solutions. This allows users to connect to the web efficiently.

    • Innovation and advanced technology: the company has moved to advanced technologies and has focused on expanding its services to meet the growing communications and data demands in Indonesia.

    • Focus on Rural Connectivity: Smartfren has a particular interest in increasing connectivity to rural and remote areas of Indonesia, contributing to reducing the digital divide in the country.

    Smartfren is an important part of the telecommunications market in Indonesia and has contributed to the development of communications and technology in the country, providing telecommunications services to a wide range of customers, including urban and rural areas.

    Plans :

    Full Kuota Utama Plan

    • Full Kuota Utama up to 45 GB
    • Kuota Internet 24 Jam: 45 GB
    • Unlimited access to selected applications after exhausting the quota (WhatsApp, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, DANA, OVO, among others)
    • Unlimited calls to Smartfren
    • Free phone number
    • Free Vision+ subscription, Vidio Premier Gold
    • From Rp 100,000

    Plan Bebas Internetan 24 Jam

    • Unlimited Internet for 24 hours
    • Daily internet with 2.5GB limit
    • Unlimited access to all applications at any time
    • Free calls to Smartfren
    • 30 minutes of free calls to other operators
    • 30 free text messages to all operators
    • Valid for the billing period
    • From Rp 100,000

    International Plan

    Brief description of prepaid SIM for international use. Starting at Rp 299,000.

    Prepaid :

    Kuota Total Plan

    • Total of 48 GB of data
    • Kuota Utama: 12 GB
    • Kuota Aplikasi: 10 GB
    • Kuota Bonus: 8 GB
    • Unlimited calls to Smartfren VoLTE
    • Valid for 30 hours
    • From Rp 55,000

    Full Kuota Utama Plan

    • Full Kuota Utama up to 45 GB
    • Range from 12 GB to 45 GB + 6 GB (Claim Bonus in mySF)
    • Unlimited access to selected applications after exhausting the kuota (WhatsApp, Line, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, among others)
    • Unlimited calls to Smartfren
    • Valid for 30 hours
    • From Rp 50,000

    Bebas Internet Plan 24 Jam

    • Range from 700 MB to 3 GB of data
    • Unlimited Internet for 24 hours
    • Unlimited calls to Smartfren
    • Valid for 28 hours
    • From Rp 65,000


    Company : Tri
    Website :  Tri

    Phone : (+62) 899-9800-123
    Social Networks Facebook Instagram Youtube

    Tri Indonesia

    Tri, also known as "Hutchison 3 Indonesia" or simply "Tri", is one of the leading telecommunications operators in Indonesia. The company offers a wide range of communications services, including mobile telephony, Internet access, data services and other telecommunications-related services.

    Separate aspects of Tri Indonesia:

    • Mobile phone services: We are one of the leading mobile phone operators in Indonesia, offering voice, text messaging and mobile data services. The company is part of the Indonesian mobile phone market and offers a variety of plans and services to meet the needs of its users.

    • Internet Access and Bandage: The company offers high-speed Internet access and other Bandage services, including mobile and wireless solutions, that allow users to connect to the network efficiently.

    • Innovation and development: We have shifted to advanced technologies and expanded our services to keep up with the latest communication and data requests in Indonesia.

    • Focus on Rural Connectivity: The company has most of its interests in bringing connectivity to rural and remote areas of Indonesia, thus contributing to reducing the digital divide in the country.

    Tri Indonesia is a major company in the telecommunications market in Indonesia and has contributed to the development of communications and technology in the country, providing a variety of telecommunications services to a wide range of customers in all countries.

    Plans :

    Hot Sale Plans

    • Hot Sale 100GB 24 Jam: Rp150,000 or Rp140,000
    • Hot Sale 117GB 24 Jam: Rp130,000 or Rp125,000
    • Hot Sale 50GB 24 Jam: Rp110,000 or Rp100,000
    • Hot Sale 52GB: Rp88,000 or Rp80,000
    • Hot Sale 30GB 24 Jam: Rp82,000 or Rp70,000
    • Hot Sale 13GB 24 Jam: Rp55,000 or Rp50,000
    • Hot Sale 30GB 7hr: Rp30,000 or Rp20,000

    Happy Plans

    • Happy 130GB 30 hari: Rp150,000
    • Happy 100GB 30 Hari: Rp140,000
    • Happy 50GB 30 Hari: Rp100,000
    • Happy 42GB 30 Hari: Rp90,000
    • Happy 52GB UL 30 Hari: Rp80,000
    • Happy 30GB 30 Hari: Rp70,000
    • Happy 14GB 30 Hari: Rp60,000
    • Happy 13GB 30 Hari: Rp50,000
    • Happy 10GB 10 Hari: Rp35,000
    • Happy 7GB 30 Hari: Rp30,000
    • Happy 9GB 5 Hari: Rp25,000
    • Happy 5GB 7 Hari: Rp20,000
    • Happy 3.5GB 30 Hari: Rp20,000
    • Happy 3.5GB 5 Hari: Rp17,000
    • Happy 5GB 3 Hari: Rp15,000
    • Happy 5GB 1 Hari: Rp11,000
    • Happy 3GB 3 Hari: Rp11,000
    • Happy 3GB 2 Hari: Rp10,000
    • Happy 1.5GB 7 Hari: Rp10,000
    • Happy 2.5GB 1 Hari: Rp6,000

    Prepaid :

    Favourite Nonton Package:

    • KeepOn 16GB + Viu/KlikFilm/Genflix: Rp50,000
    • KeepOn 8GB + Viu/KlikFilm/Genflix: Rp25,000
    • KeepOn 5GB + Viu/KlikFilm/Genflix: Rp10,000
    • 30 Hari Viu Premium: Rp20,000
    • 30 Hari Klikfilm Premium: Rp20,000
    • Genflix Premium 30 Hari: Rp20,000


    • AON Full 40GB: Rp100,000
    • AON Unlimited 26GB: Rp80,000
    • AON Full 14GB: Rp60,000
    • AON Full 10GB: Rp50,000
    • AON Full 7GB: Rp40,000
    • AON Full 4GB: Rp25,000
    • AON Full 3GB: Rp20,000


    Company : MCIT
    Website :  MCIT

    Phone : (+62) 21 3452841
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

    Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)

    The MCIT plays a key role in Indonesia's telecommunications sector, working on various initiatives and regulations to ensure the growth and development of the industry. In Indonesia, it is known as "Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika" or Kemenkominfo. The MCIT is the Indonesian government ministry charged with supervising and regulating matters related to communications and information technology in the country.

    Key roles and responsibilities of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) in Indonesia:

    • Communications Regulation: The MCIT regulates and supervises the communications sector in Indonesia, including the management of frequency assignments, licenses for telecommunications operators and the promotion of competition in the telecommunications market.

    • Information Technology: The ministry deals with issues related to information technology and computing in Indonesia, promoting the development of the technology industry and digital economy in the country.

    • Telecommunications and Internet Policies: The MCIT develops and promulgates policies and regulations related to telecommunications, Internet access, cybersecurity and the protection of user privacy.

    • Broadcasting and Media: The ministry is also responsible for supervising and regulating broadcasting in Indonesia, including the issuance of licenses for radio and television stations, as well as the promotion of diversity in the media.

    The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) in Indonesia plays a key role in regulating and promoting communications, information technology and communication technology in the country, ensuring that communication services and information technology comply with established standards and regulations.

    Phones in Indonesia

    Phones in Indonesia . (62) Find the best mobile phone companies in Indonesia. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. ID List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
    Indonesia : Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Utara, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Jawa Barat, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Banten, Gorontalo, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Papua, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Irian Jaya Barat, Kepulauan Riau, Sulawesi Barat

    Mobile Phone Companies

    List of cell phone companies in Indonesia :


    Indosat Ooredoo





    What is the best mobile phone company in Indonesia?
    Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Indonesia.
    These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
    Mobile phone companies in Indonesia offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
    Indonesia 62 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
    Yellow Pages
    Indonesia find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
    ID Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
    White Pages
    Indonesia Find address and telephones numbers.
    62 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. IDN
    Search in Indonesia :


    iso2 : ID
    iso3 : IDN
    Country : Indonesia
    Lat : -0.7893
    Long : 113.9213
    Population : 273523621
    Latitude: -0.7893, Longitude: 113.9213, ISO: Indonesia (ID) - Population : 273523621

    ISO : ID
    ISO3 : IDN
    ISO-Numeric : 360
    FIPS : ID
    Country : Indonesia
    Capital : Jakarta
    Area km2 : 1919440
    Population : 267663435
    Continent : AS
    Internet : .id
    Currency Code : IDR
    Currency Name : Rupiah
    Phone : 62
    Postal Code Format : #####
    Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{5})$
    Languages : id,en,nl,jv
    Geo : 1643084
    Neighbours countries : PG,TL,MY
    Phones in Indonesia
    - Where to find Phones in Indonesia? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Indonesia
    - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
    Search Phones
    . Find phones in Indonesia. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
    Mobile Phones
    in Indonesia. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
    Indonesia Codes
    and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
    Yellow pages of Indonesia
    to locate Phones in Indonesia Business Directory. Where to search business in Indonesia? Use the list of yellow pages in Indonesia to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Indonesia.
    - How to call to Indonesia? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
    White pages in Indonesia
    to find phone numbers in Indonesia. Where to find people in Indonesia? How can I find people in Indonesia? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Indonesia. Where to search Phones in Indonesia?
    can I find a phone number in Indonesia ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
    Maps of Indonesia - Location and Map of Indonesia. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
    Phones in Indonesia - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Indonesia. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
    Phones Indonesia 2024
    Indonesia bans sales of Google phones days after blocking Apple's iPhone 16 Reuters
    In Indonesia, smartphone makers want sales, Jakarta wants investment Nikkei Asia
    Smartphone users in Indonesia 2019-2029 Statista
    Indonesia Blocks Google's Pixel Smartphones Over Local Content Rules, Following iPhone 16 Ban Yahoo Finance