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Sony in Asia - Find mobile phones, TV, tablets and laptops in technology stores. Compare technical specifications, screen, cameras, memory size (RAM), storage (GB), processor speed (Ghz), sensors and other features. |
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Sony Phones. Find packages and prices in mobile companies and tech stores. Best smartphones of the year 2024. |
Sony Prepaid or Billing Plan. Buy packages with internet, whatsapp and SMS. Online payments. |
Sony Asia Phones Xperia - Sony Ericsson |
Find Sony Phones Asia |
Sony in Asia Sony Xperia L 4G LTE and 5G - Sony Xperia L4 is a smartphone with a 6.20 inches screen, resolution of 720x1680 pixels, processor MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) of eight nucleus, 3GB of internal RAM and runs Android Pie. The 3580 mAh battery with fast charging. |
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