Asia Codes |
Codes of Asia- Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp |
Asia Codes - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies. |
Asia Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts |
List of the country code for internet and national web sites |
Asia Phone Codes - List with city area codes |
AFG - Afganistan / Afqanestan |
BHR - Al-Bahrayn |
ARE - Al-Imarat Al-´Arabiya Al-muttahida |
DZA - Al-Jaza’ir / Algérie |
KWT - Al-Kuwayt |
MAR - Al-Maghrib |
JOR - Al-Urdunn |
YEM - Al-Yaman |
SAU - Al-´Arabiya As-sa´udiya |
IRQ - Al-´Iraq |
ASM - Amerika Samoa |
AND - Andorra |
AGO - Angola |
AIA - Anguilla |
ATG - Antigua And Barbuda |
ARG - Argentina |
ABW - Aruba |
ESH - As-sahrawiya |
SDN - As-sudan |
AUS - Australia |
AZE - Azärbaycan |
BGR - Balgarija |
BGD - Bangladesh |
BRB - Barbados |
BLR - Belarus |
PLW - Belau / Palau |
BEL - België / Belgique |
BLZ - Belize |
BEN - Bénin |
BMU - Bermuda |
IND - Bharat / India |
BOL - Bolivia |
BIH - Bosna I Hercegovina |
BWA - Botswana |
BVT - Bouvetøya |
BRA - Brasil |
IOT - British Indian Ocean Territory |
VGB - British Virgin Islands |
BRN - Brunei Darussalam |
BFA - Burkina Faso |
BDI - Burundi / Uburundi |
CPV - Cabo Verde |
CMR - Cameroun / Cameroon |
CAN - Canada |
CYM - Cayman Islands |
CAF - Centrafrique / Bê-afrîka |
CHL - Chile |
PRK - Choson Minjujuui In´min Konghwaguk (BukhaN) |
CXR - Christmas Island |
CCK - Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
COL - Colombia |
COG - Congo |
CRI - Costa Rica |
CIV - Côte D’ivoire |
CUB - Cuba |
DNK - Danmark |
DEU - Deutschland |
MDV - Dhivehi Raajje / Maldives |
DJI - Djibouti / Jibuti |
DMA - Dominica |
BTN - Druk-yul |
ECU - Ecuador |
EST - Eesti |
SLV - El Salvador |
GRC - Elláda |
ERI - Ertra |
ESP - España |
FLK - Falkland Islands |
FJI - Fiji Islands |
PSE - Filastin |
FRA - France |
FRO - Føroyar |
GHA - Ghana |
GIB - Gibraltar |
GRD - Grenada |
GLP - Guadeloupe |
GUM - Guam |
GTM - Guatemala |
GNB - Guiné-bissau |
GNQ - Guinea Ecuatorial |
GIN - Guinée |
GUY - Guyana |
GUF - Guyane Française |
HTI - Haïti / Dayti |
ARM - Hajastan |
HMD - Heard And Mcdonald Islands |
HND - Honduras |
HRV - Hrvatska |
IDN - Indonesia |
IRN - Iran |
IRL - Ireland / Éire |
ISL - Ísland |
ITA - Italia |
JAM - Jamaica |
YUG - Jugoslavija |
GRL - Kalaallit Nunaat / Grønland |
KHM - Kâmpuchéa |
SWZ - Kangwane |
KEN - Kenya |
KIR - Kiribati |
COM - Komori / Comores |
CYP - Kýpros / Kibris |
KGZ - Kyrgyzstan |
LAO - Lao |
LVA - Latvija |
GAB - Le Gabon |
LSO - Lesotho |
LBR - Liberia |
LBY - Libiya |
LIE - Liechtenstein |
LTU - Lietuva |
LBN - Lubnan |
LUX - Luxembourg / Lëtzebuerg |
MAC - Macau / Aomen |
MDG - Madagasikara / Madagascar |
HUN - Magyarország |
MKD - Makedonija |
MWI - Malawi |
MYS - Malaysia |
MLI - Mali |
MLT - Malta |
MHL - Marshall Islands / Majol |
MTQ - Martinique |
MUS - Mauritius |
MYT - Mayotte |
MEX - Mexico |
FSM - Micronesia |
EGY - Misr |
MOZ - Moçambique |
MDA - Moldova |
MCO - Monaco |
MNG - Mongol Uls |
MSR - Montserrat |
MRT - Muritaniya / Mauritanie |
MMR - Myanma Pye |
NAM - Namibia |
NRU - Naoero / Nauru |
NLD - Nederland |
ANT - Nederlandse Antillen |
NPL - Nepal |
NZL - New Zealand / Aotearoa |
NIC - Nicaragua |
NER - Niger |
NGA - Nigeria |
JPN - Nihon / Nippon |
NIU - Niue |
NFK - Norfolk Island |
NOR - Norge |
MNP - Northern Mariana Islands |
NCL - Nouvelle-calédonie |
PAK - Pakistan |
PAN - Panamá |
PNG - Papua New Guinea / Papua Niugini |
PRY - Paraguay |
PER - Perú / Piruw |
PHL - Pilipinas |
PCN - Pitcairn |
POL - Polska |
PYF - Polynésie Française |
PRT - Portugal |
THA - Prathet Thai |
PRI - Puerto Rico |
QAT - Qatar |
KAZ - Qazaqstan |
DOM - República Dominicana |
COD - République Démocratique Du Congo |
REU - Réunion |
ROM - România |
RUS - Rossija |
RWA - Rwanda / Urwanda |
SHN - Saint Helena |
KNA - Saint Kitts And Nevis |
LCA - Saint Lucia |
VCT - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines |
SPM - Saint-pierre-et-miquelon |
GEO - Sakartvelo |
WSM - Samoa |
SMR - San Marino |
VAT - Santa Sede / Città Del Vaticano |
STP - São Tomé E Príncipe |
CHE - Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / SvizrA |
SEN - Sénégal / Sounougal |
SYC - Sesel / Seychelles |
ALB - Shqipëria |
SLE - Sierra Leone |
SGP - Singapore / Singapura / Xinjiapo / SiNGAPUR |
SVN - Slovenija |
SVK - Slovensko |
SLB - Solomon Islands |
SOM - Soomaaliya |
ZAF - South Africa |
SGS - South Georgia And The South Sandwich IslaNDS |
LKA - Sri Lanka / Ilankai |
FIN - Suomi |
SUR - Suriname |
SYR - Suriya |
SJM - Svalbard Og Jan Mayen |
SWE - Sverige |
KOR - Taehan Min’guk (Namhan) |
TZA - Tanzania |
TCD - Tchad / Tshad |
ATF - Terres Australes Françaises |
BHS - The Bahamas |
COK - The Cook Islands |
GMB - The Gambia |
TCA - The Turks And Caicos Islands |
TMP - Timor Timur |
TJK - Toçikiston |
TGO - Togo |
TKL - Tokelau |
TON - Tonga |
TTO - Trinidad And Tobago |
TUN - Tunis / Tunisie |
TUV - Tuvalu |
TUR - Türkiye |
TKM - Türkmenostan |
TWN - T’ai-wan |
UGA - Uganda |
UKR - Ukrajina |
GBR - United Kingdom |
USA - United States |
UMI - United States Minor Outlying Islands |
URY - Uruguay |
UZB - Uzbekiston |
VUT - Vanuatu |
VEN - Venezuela |
VNM - Viêt Nam |
VIR - Virgin Islands Of The United States |
WLF - Wallis-et-futuna |
HKG - Xianggang / Hong Kong |
ETH - Yeityop´iya |
ISR - Yisra’el / Isra’il |
ZMB - Zambia |
CHN - Zhongquo |
ZWE - Zimbabwe |
AUT - Österreich |
OMN - ´Uman |
CZE - ¸Esko ----- country-timezones ----- |
Asia Code - Dial Codes, Whatsapp and SMS Messages |
Code Asia Phones - List of Country and City Codes. Find phone numbers by company. |
Internet Code for the Country |
International Code list by country and city. How to dial Asia |
Phone Find phone numbers and mobile companies |