Asia Codes

Asia Codes

Codes of Asia

- Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Asia Codes - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
Asia Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
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Asia Phone Codes - List with city area codes
AFG - Afganistan / Afqanestan
BHR - Al-Bahrayn
ARE - Al-Imarat Al-´Arabiya Al-muttahida
DZA - Al-Jaza’ir / Algérie
KWT - Al-Kuwayt
MAR - Al-Maghrib
JOR - Al-Urdunn
YEM - Al-Yaman
SAU - Al-´Arabiya As-sa´udiya
IRQ - Al-´Iraq
ASM - Amerika Samoa
AND - Andorra
AGO - Angola
AIA - Anguilla
ATG - Antigua And Barbuda
ARG - Argentina
ABW - Aruba
ESH - As-sahrawiya
SDN - As-sudan
AUS - Australia
AZE - Azärbaycan
BGR - Balgarija
BGD - Bangladesh
BRB - Barbados
BLR - Belarus
PLW - Belau / Palau
BEL - België / Belgique
BLZ - Belize
BEN - Bénin
BMU - Bermuda
IND - Bharat / India
BOL - Bolivia
BIH - Bosna I Hercegovina
BWA - Botswana
BVT - Bouvetøya
BRA - Brasil
IOT - British Indian Ocean Territory
VGB - British Virgin Islands
BRN - Brunei Darussalam
BFA - Burkina Faso
BDI - Burundi / Uburundi
CPV - Cabo Verde
CMR - Cameroun / Cameroon
CAN - Canada
CYM - Cayman Islands
CAF - Centrafrique / Bê-afrîka
CHL - Chile
PRK - Choson Minjujuui In´min Konghwaguk (BukhaN)
CXR - Christmas Island
CCK - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
COL - Colombia
COG - Congo
CRI - Costa Rica
CIV - Côte D’ivoire
CUB - Cuba
DNK - Danmark
DEU - Deutschland
MDV - Dhivehi Raajje / Maldives
DJI - Djibouti / Jibuti
DMA - Dominica
BTN - Druk-yul
ECU - Ecuador
EST - Eesti
SLV - El Salvador
GRC - Elláda
ERI - Ertra
ESP - España
FLK - Falkland Islands
FJI - Fiji Islands
PSE - Filastin
FRA - France
FRO - Føroyar
GHA - Ghana
GIB - Gibraltar
GRD - Grenada
GLP - Guadeloupe
GUM - Guam
GTM - Guatemala
GNB - Guiné-bissau
GNQ - Guinea Ecuatorial
GIN - Guinée
GUY - Guyana
GUF - Guyane Française
HTI - Haïti / Dayti
ARM - Hajastan
HMD - Heard And Mcdonald Islands
HND - Honduras
HRV - Hrvatska
IDN - Indonesia
IRN - Iran
IRL - Ireland / Éire
ISL - Ísland
ITA - Italia
JAM - Jamaica
YUG - Jugoslavija
GRL - Kalaallit Nunaat / Grønland
KHM - Kâmpuchéa
SWZ - Kangwane
KEN - Kenya
KIR - Kiribati
COM - Komori / Comores
CYP - Kýpros / Kibris
KGZ - Kyrgyzstan
LAO - Lao
LVA - Latvija
GAB - Le Gabon
LSO - Lesotho
LBR - Liberia
LBY - Libiya
LIE - Liechtenstein
LTU - Lietuva
LBN - Lubnan
LUX - Luxembourg / Lëtzebuerg
MAC - Macau / Aomen
MDG - Madagasikara / Madagascar
HUN - Magyarország
MKD - Makedonija
MWI - Malawi
MYS - Malaysia
MLI - Mali
MLT - Malta
MHL - Marshall Islands / Majol
MTQ - Martinique
MUS - Mauritius
MYT - Mayotte
MEX - Mexico
FSM - Micronesia
EGY - Misr
MOZ - Moçambique
MDA - Moldova
MCO - Monaco
MNG - Mongol Uls
MSR - Montserrat
MRT - Muritaniya / Mauritanie
MMR - Myanma Pye
NAM - Namibia
NRU - Naoero / Nauru
NLD - Nederland
ANT - Nederlandse Antillen
NPL - Nepal
NZL - New Zealand / Aotearoa
NIC - Nicaragua
NER - Niger
NGA - Nigeria
JPN - Nihon / Nippon
NIU - Niue
NFK - Norfolk Island
NOR - Norge
MNP - Northern Mariana Islands
NCL - Nouvelle-calédonie
PAK - Pakistan
PAN - Panamá
PNG - Papua New Guinea / Papua Niugini
PRY - Paraguay
PER - Perú / Piruw
PHL - Pilipinas
PCN - Pitcairn
POL - Polska
PYF - Polynésie Française
PRT - Portugal
THA - Prathet Thai
PRI - Puerto Rico
QAT - Qatar
KAZ - Qazaqstan
DOM - República Dominicana
COD - République Démocratique Du Congo
REU - Réunion
ROM - România
RUS - Rossija
RWA - Rwanda / Urwanda
SHN - Saint Helena
KNA - Saint Kitts And Nevis
LCA - Saint Lucia
VCT - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
SPM - Saint-pierre-et-miquelon
GEO - Sakartvelo
WSM - Samoa
SMR - San Marino
VAT - Santa Sede / Città Del Vaticano
STP - São Tomé E Príncipe
CHE - Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / SvizrA
SEN - Sénégal / Sounougal
SYC - Sesel / Seychelles
ALB - Shqipëria
SLE - Sierra Leone
SGP - Singapore / Singapura / Xinjiapo / SiNGAPUR
SVN - Slovenija
SVK - Slovensko
SLB - Solomon Islands
SOM - Soomaaliya
ZAF - South Africa
SGS - South Georgia And The South Sandwich IslaNDS
LKA - Sri Lanka / Ilankai
FIN - Suomi
SUR - Suriname
SYR - Suriya
SJM - Svalbard Og Jan Mayen
SWE - Sverige
KOR - Taehan Min’guk (Namhan)
TZA - Tanzania
TCD - Tchad / Tshad
ATF - Terres Australes Françaises
BHS - The Bahamas
COK - The Cook Islands
GMB - The Gambia
TCA - The Turks And Caicos Islands
TMP - Timor Timur
TJK - Toçikiston
TGO - Togo
TKL - Tokelau
TON - Tonga
TTO - Trinidad And Tobago
TUN - Tunis / Tunisie
TUV - Tuvalu
TUR - Türkiye
TKM - Türkmenostan
TWN - T’ai-wan
UGA - Uganda
UKR - Ukrajina
GBR - United Kingdom
USA - United States
UMI - United States Minor Outlying Islands
URY - Uruguay
UZB - Uzbekiston
VUT - Vanuatu
VEN - Venezuela
VNM - Viêt Nam
VIR - Virgin Islands Of The United States
WLF - Wallis-et-futuna
HKG - Xianggang / Hong Kong
ETH - Yeityop´iya
ISR - Yisra’el / Isra’il
ZMB - Zambia
CHN - Zhongquo
ZWE - Zimbabwe
AUT - Österreich
OMN - ´Uman
CZE - ¸Esko ----- country-timezones -----
Asia Code - Dial Codes, Whatsapp and SMS Messages
Code Asia Phones  - - List of Country and City Codes. Find phone numbers by company.
Internet Code for the Country
International Code list by country and city. How to dial Asia
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