Phones in Bangladesh

- Summary -

Phones in Bangladesh

Bangladesh - Phone Numbers
Telephone numbers in Bangladesh
Country Code: +880 -
International Call Prefix: 00 -
Trunk Prefix: 0 -
Numbering plan
BTRC Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
SubCodes : -
Land/Fixed Line : - Land/Fixed Line : - Land/Fixed Line : - Mobile/Wireless Line :
Area / District : SubCode - Area / District : SubCode - Area / District : SubCode - Network Operator / Carrier : SubCode
Bagatipara Upazila : 07722 -
Bagerhat : 0468 -
Barisal : 0431 -
Bandarban : 0361 -
Barguna : 0446 -
Bhairab Bazaar : 0832 -
Bhola : 0491 -
Bogra : 051 -
Brahmanbaria : 0851 -
Chuadanga : 0851 -
Chandpur : 0841 -
Chapai Nawabganj : 0781 -
Chaumuhani : 0761 -
Chittagong : 031 -
Comilla : 081 -
Cox's Bazaar : 0341 -
Dhaka : 02 -
Dinajpur : 0531 -
Faridpur : 0631 -
Feni : 0331 -
Gaibandha : 0541 -
Gazipur : 0681 -
Gopalganj : 0423 -
Habiganj : 0831 -
Ishwardi : 0732 -
Jamalpur : 0931 -
Jessore : 0421 -
Jhalakati : 0496 -
Jhenaidah : 0452 -
Joypurhat : 0571 -
Kalapara : 04425 -
Kaptai : 0352 -
Khagrachhari : 0371 -
Khulna : 041 -
Kishorganj : 0942 -
Kurigram : 0581 -
Kushtia : 071 -
Lakshmipur : 0352 -
Lalmonirhat : 0591 -
Madripur : 0661 -
Magura : 0611 -
Maijdi : 0321 -
Manikganj : 0651 -
Meherpur : 0762 -
Mirzapur : 0922 -
Mongla : 0402 -
Maulavi Bazar : 0861 -
Mymensingh : 091 -
Narail : 0422 -
Natore : 0771 -
Naogaon : 0741 -
Narayanganj : 0671 -
Narsingdi : 0621 -
Nawabganj : 0781 -
Netrokona : 0951 -
Nilphamari : 0551 -
Noakhali : 0321 -
Pabna : 0731 -
Panchagarh : 0562 -
Patuakhali : 0441 -
Pirojpur : 0461 -
Rajshahi : 0721 -
Ramganj : 0381 -
Rangamati : 0351 -
Rangpur : 0521 -
Santahar : 0741 -
Satkhira : 0471 -
Savar : 0931 -
Shariatpur : 0662 -
Sherpur : 0552 -
Sirajganj : 0751 -
Srimongal : 0862 -
Sunamganj : 0871 -
Sylhet : 0821 -
Tangail : 0921 -
Thakurgaon : 0561 -
Tongi : 0681 -
AKTEL : 018 -
banglalink : 019 -
Citycell : 011 -
grameenphone : 017 -
TeleTalk : 015 -
Warid Telecom : 016 -
DhakaPhone : 066 -
NationalPhone : 037 -
onetel : 0644 -
PeoplesTel : 038 -
RanksTel : 044 -
Telebarta : 036 -
Note about area codes
Area Name : Calling - (Sub-) Code - .
When calling from outside, into BD, then do not use the leading "0" for the area code.
Exchange Center Locations
Name of Phone Exchange Center for different subscriber numbers are listed below.
Telephone -
Exchange - Center: -
State/District Name (SubCode) : -
City/County Name : Code/Range
Bagerhat (0421) : -
Bagatipara : 07722 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Bagerhat : 401 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Mongla : 402 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Mongla New Port : 4031 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Bandarban (0361) : -
Bandarban : 361 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Barisal (0431) : -
Barisal : 431 - 5XXXX, 7XXXX.
Muladi : 4326 - 2XX ~ 4XX.
Barguna (0446) : -
Barguna : 446 - 2XX ~ 8XX.
Bhairab Bazaar (0832) : -
Bhola (0491) : -
Bhola : 491 - 55XXX, 581XX, 582XX.
Bogra (051) : -
Bogra : 51 - 72XXX, 73XXX, 3XXX ~ 6XXX.
Brahmanbaria (0321) : -
Ashugonj : 8528 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Brahmanbaria : 851 - 5XXXX.
Nabinagar : 8525 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Chuadanga (0851) : -
Alamdanga : 7622 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Chuadanga : 761 - 2XXX ~ 4XXX.
Chandpur (0841) : -
Chandpur : 841 - 3XXX ~ 5XXX.
Hajigonj : 8424 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Chapai Nawabganj (0781) : -
Nawabgonj (Chapai) : 781 - 5XXXX.
Chaumuhani (0761) : -
Chittagong (031) : -
Chittagong : 31 - 61XXXX, 62XXXX, 63XXXX, 65XXXX, 67XXXX, 68XXXX, 71XXXX, 72XXXX, 74XXXX, 75XXXX, 50XXXX.
Potiya : 3035 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Satkania : 3036 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Sitakundu (Barabkundu) : 3028 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Comilla (081) : -
Comilla : 81 - 3XXX ~ 6XXX, 8XXX ~ 9XXX, 7XXXX.
Daudkandi : 8023 - 4XX.
Laksham (Daulatgonj) : 8032 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Cox's Bazaar (0341) : -
Cox's Bazar : 341 - 3XXX ~ 4XXX.
Moheshkhali : 3424 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Ukhia : 3427 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Dhaka (BTCL) (02) : -
Gulistan : 711 - XXXX.
Khilgoan : 721 - XXXX.
Gandaria : 741 - XXXX.
Savar : 771 - XXXX.
Mirpur : 801 - XXXXXX.
Gazipur (TSC) : 821 - XXXX.
Gulshan : 881 - XXXX.
Gulshan : 882 - XXXX.
Moghbazar : 831 - XXXX.
Moghbazar : 832 - XXXX.
Moghbazar : 835XXXX.
Mirpur : 801 - XXXX.
Nilkhet : 861 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 811 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 812 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 814 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 815 - XXXX.
Uttara : 891 - XXXX.
Uttara : 892 - XXXX.
Uttara : 895 - XXXX.
Uttara : 791 - XXXX.
Mirpur : 900XXXX. Mirpur : 901XXXX.
Mirpur : 902XXXX.
Nilkhet : 911 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 912 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 913 - XXXX.
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 914 - XXXX.
Rampura : 933XXXX.
Moghbazar : 934XXXX.
Moghbazar : 935XXXX.
Motijheel : 955XXXX.
Motijheel : 956XXXX.
Dhanmondi : 966XXXX.
Dhanmondi : 967XXXX.
Narayangonj : 971XXXX.
Tongi : 980XXXX.
Gulshan : 987XXXX.
Gulshan : 988XXXX.
Dinajpur (0531) : -
Dinajpur : 531 - 3XXX ~ 5XXX.
Fulbari : 5327 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Parbatipur : 5334 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Faridpur (0631) : -
Faridpur : 631 - 2XXX ~ 4XXX.
Feni (0331) : -
Feni : 331 - 7XXXX.
State/District Name (SubCode) : -
City/County Name : Code/Range
Gaibandha (0541) : -
Gaibandha : 541 - 3XX ~ 9XX.
Gazipur (0681) : -
Gazipur : 681 - 5XXXX.
Gopalganj (0423) : -
Gopalgonj : 423 - 55XXX, 581XX, 582XX, 591XX, 592XX.
Hobigonj (0831) : -
Hobigonj : 831 - 5XXXX.
Ishwardi (0732) : -
Jamalpur (0931) : -
Jamalpur : 981 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Jessore (0421) : -
Avaynagar (Noapara) : 4222 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Jessore : 421 - 7XXXX, 3XXX ~ 6XXX.
Jhikargacha : 4225 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Sarsha (Benapol) : 4228 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Jhalokathhi (0496) : -
Jhalokathhi : 496 - 2XX ~ 9XX.
Jhenaidah (0452) : -
Jhenaidah : 451 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Joydevpur (0681) : -
Joypurhat (0571) : -
Joypurhat : 571 - 2XX ~ 8XX.
Kaptai (0352) : -
Khagrachhari (0371) : -
Khagrachhari : 371 - 6XX ~ 9XX.
Khulna (041) : -
Khulna : 41 - 72XXXX, 73XXXX, 76XXXX, 77XXXX, 78XXXX.
Paikgacha : 4027 - 3XX ~ 4XX.
Kishoregonj (0942) : -
Bazitpur : 9423 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Bhairab : 9424 - 3XX ~ 7XX.
Kishoregonj : 941 - 5XXXX.
Kurigram (0581) : -
Kurigram : 581 - 3XX ~ 8XX.
Kushtia (071) : -
Bheramara : 7022 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Daulatpur : 7023 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Kustia : 71 - 5XXXX, 7XXXX.
Lakshmipur (0352) : -
Lakshmipur : 381 - 2XX ~ 6XX.
Ramgoti (Char Alexander) : 3823 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Lalmonirhat (0591) : -
Lalmonirhat : 591 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Madaripur (0661) : -
Madaripur : 661 - 5XXXX.
Magura (0611) : -
Magura : 611 - 2XXX.
Maijdi (0321) : -
Manikganj (0651) : -
Manikgonj : 651 - 2XX ~ 7XX.
Meherpur (0762) : -
Meherpur : 791 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Mirzapur (0922) : -
Mongla (0402) : -
MoulaviBazar (0861) : -
Moulavibazar : 861 - 5XXXX.
Srimangol : 8626 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Munshigonj (0691) : -
Munshigonj : 691 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Mymensingh (091) : -
Muktagacha : 9028 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Mymensingh : 91 - 5XXXX.
State/District Name (SubCode) : -
City/County Name : Code/Range
Narail (0422) : -
Narail : 481 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Natore (0771) : -
Natore : 771 - 2XXX, 6XXX.
Naogaon (0741) : -
Naogaon : 741 - 5XXXX.
Narayanganj (0671) : -
Narsingdi (0621) : -
Mathabdi : 6251 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Narsingdi : 621 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Palash (Ghorashal) : 6254 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Netrokona (0951) : -
Netrokona : 951 - 2XX ~ 8XX.
Nilphamari (0551) : -
Nilphamari : 551 - 2XX ~ 7XX.
Syedpur : 552 - 20XX ~ 26XX.
Noakhali (3223) : -
Companigon (Bashurhat) : 3223 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Hatiya (Oshkhali) : 3224 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Noakhali : 321 - 3XXX ~ 6XXX.
Pabna (0731) : -
Ishwardi : 732 - 3XX ~ 6XX.
Pabna : 731 - 4XXX ~ 6XXX.
Panchagarh (0562) : -
Panchagar : 562 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Patuakhali (0441) : -
Bauphal : 4422 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Galachipa : 4424 - 2XX ~ 4XX.
Khepupara : 4425 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Patuakhali : 441 - 2XXX.
Pirojpur (0461) : -
Bhandaria : 4623 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Perojpur : 461 - 2XX ~ 5XX.
Rajbari (641) : -
Rajbari : 641 - 2XX ~ 8XX.
Rajshahi (0721) : -
Rajshahi : 721 - 7XXXXX.
Ramganj (0381) : -
Rangamati (0351) : -
Chandraghona (Kaptai) : 3529 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Rangamati : 351 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Rangpur (0521) : -
Badargonj : 5222 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Rangpur : 521 - 2XXX ~ 5XXX.
Santahar (0741) : -
Satkhira (0471) : -
Kalaroa : 4724 - 2XX ~ 4XX.
Satkhira : 471 - 2XXX ~ 3XXX.
Savar (0931) : -
Shariatpur (0662) : -
Shariatpur : 601 - 554XX ~ 559XX, 581XX, 582XX, 591XX, 592XX.
Sherpur (0552) : -
Sherpur : 931 - 2XX ~ 9XX.
Sirajganj (0751) : -
Sirajgonj : 751 - 7XXXX.
Srimongal (0862) : -
Sunamganj (0871) : -
Chhatak : 8723 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Sunamgonj : 871 - 55XXX, 561XX, 562XX, 581XX, 582XX.
Sylhet (0821) : -
Sylhet : 821 - 7XXXXX.
Tangail (0921) : -
Ghatail : 9225 - 2XX ~ 3XX.
Tangail : 921 - 5XXXX.
Thakurgaon (0561) : -
Thakurgaon : 561 - 5XXXX.
Tongi (0681) : -
Notes (Exchange Locations) -
TSC = Telephone Service Center.
Exchange Office
Exchange Office:
Location : Phone#
Air Force : 8827611-20
Army : 8750011
BDR : 8616545, 8616672-9
Biman : 8914771, 8917400-30
Central : 9554999, 9553366, 9563300
Civil Aviation : 8914870
Location : Phone#
Gulshan : 8824999, 602040
Mirpur : 8014999, 8013366, 8012036, 9002333
Moghbazar : 8312580, 8313366
Narayangonj : 9716599, 9716999, 9716900
Location : Phone#
Navy : 8822741-8
Nilkhet : 8613366, 8614999, 509988
Police (D.M.P.) : 999,9330061-5
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar : 8114999, 8114121
Tongi : 9801000, 9801111, 9802399
Location : Phone#
Uttara : 8913366, 8914599, 8911212
Zinzira : 249848, 244948
Code/SubCode - Type/Area/Network- Description -
880 - Bangladesh - International Calling Code for Bangladesh
880-1 - Mobile - 880-1X. Mobile/Wireless Carrier/Network Operator.
881-0 - GMS - ICO Global Communications (Mobile Satellite System)
881-1 - GMS - ICO Global Communications (Mobile Satellite System)
881-2 - GMS - Ellipso Network (Mobile Satellite System)
881-3 - GMS - Ellipso Network (Mobile Satellite System)
[ Notes
GMS = GMS/Himawari 1~4. Name Of Satellite. Owned by NASDA (National Space Development Agency Of Japan). Not operational now.
See other Satellite Phone service provider, like Iridium, Globalstar, Thuraya, Inmarsat
BTCL = Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited. Now performs commercial operations.
BTRC = Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. Performs Regulatory Operations.
VOIP = Voice over Internet Protocol.
VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminal. Satellite signal processing parabollic dish antenna.
DDN = Digital Data Network. It has integrated voice and data network under a single digital network in all 64 districts, since December, 2002.
DWDM = Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
Project SEA-ME-WE4 = DWDM 1.28- Tbit/s network. It will connect Bangladesh into the Internet Information Superhighway through submarine fiber-optic (Alcatel, Fujitsu) cable with a landing site at Cox’s Bazar. The facility is to be operational by July 2005. Once fully operational, it will establish the nationwide Internet backbone.
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line.
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a type of circuit switched telephone network(CSTN) system, designed to allow digital transmission of voice and data over ordinary telephone copper wires.
References from Telephone_numbers_in_Bangladesh
Communications in Bangladesh


Company : Grameenphone
Website :  Grameenphone

Phone : (+88-02-222282990, +880-1799882990
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
Grameenphone in Bangladesh: Grameenphone - Connecting Communities Across Bangladesh Grameenphone, in Bangladesh, is your bridge to reliable communication. We connect people and communities across the nation with our comprehensive telecom services. Offering the latest in mobile and internet technology, Grameenphone is your partner in progress.


Company : Robi
Website :  Robi

Phone : 121 / +8801819232477
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube
Robi in Bangladesh: Robi - Advancing Telecom Services in Bangladesh
Robi is your trusted telecom provider in Bangladesh. We offer an extensive range of services that keep you connected. With our innovative solutions, you can enjoy the best of mobile and internet services. Robi is dedicated to advancing your telecom experience in Bangladesh.


Company : Banglalink
Website :  Banglalink

Phone : 111 / +8801950111111
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
Banglalink in Bangladesh: Banglalink - Bangladesh's Telecom Companion Embrace seamless connectivity with Banglalink in Bangladesh. We're your trusted telecom companion, offering an array of mobile and internet services. With Banglalink, you stay connected to what matters most in your life, whether it's for work, entertainment, or staying in touch with loved ones.


Company : Teletalk
Website :  Teletalk

Phone : 121 / +880 1500-121121
Social Networks Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Youtube
Teletalk in Bangladesh: Teletalk - Bangladesh's State-Owned Telecommunications Provider
Teletalk is Bangladesh's state-owned telecommunications provider, dedicated to serving the nation. Offering a wide range of mobile and internet services, Teletalk keeps you connected with affordability and reliability. Join us in our mission to connect every corner of Bangladesh.

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880 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. BGD
Search in Bangladesh :


iso2 : BD
iso3 : BGD
Country : Bangladesh
Lat : 23.685
Long : 90.3563
Population : 164689383
Latitude: 23.685, Longitude: 90.3563, ISO: Bangladesh (BD) - Population : 164689383

ISO-Numeric : 050
Country : Bangladesh
Capital : Dhaka
Area km2 : 144000
Population : 161356039
Continent : AS
Internet : .bd
Currency Code : BDT
Currency Name : Taka
Phone : 880
Postal Code Format : ####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
Languages : bn-BD,en
Geo : 1210997
Neighbours countries : MM,IN
Phones in Bangladesh
- Where to find Phones in Bangladesh? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Bangladesh
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
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Bangladesh Codes
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- How to call to Bangladesh? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Bangladesh
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Phones Bangladesh 2025
Bangladesh loses more than 3 million mobile subscribers in 2024 Telecompaper EN
Delhi Police Busts Theft Syndicate Smuggling Mobile Phones To Bangladesh NDTV
Cellphones stolen from crowded places in Delhi, smuggled to Bangladesh: Police bust international syndicate, 1 arrested The Indian Express
Delhi police busts syndicate for selling stolen phones to Bangladesh, one held MSN