Phones in Macau

Phones in Macau

Macau - Phone Numbers
Telephone numbers in Macau
Macau maintains its own telephone numbering plan during both Portuguese and Chinese administration. Calls to mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Portugal are international.
Country Code : 853 -
GDTTI Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technologies
Area Code : not used -
1 Government regulator
2 Telecom operators
3 Placing international calls
4 Emergency services and other special numbers
5 See also
  • Government regulator
  • - (pre-1999 era): Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações (CTT)
    - (post-1999 era): Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT)
  • Telecom operators
  • (Fixed line and mobile/GSM) - Companhia Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L. (CTM)
    (Mobile/GSM) - Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Co. Ltd
    (Mobile/GSM) - SmarTone Mobile Communications (Macau) Co. Ltd
    (Mobile/CDMA) - China Telecom (Macau) Co. Ltd
  • Placing international calls
  • All destinations - : Dial the international access code 00 - , followed by the country code, area code and the called party's number.
    The alternative shortcut way to dial Hong Kong numbers is shown as follows:
    Hong Kong - : In addition to 00852 - , dial to Hong Kong can also be done by 01 - followed by the called party's number.
  • Emergency services and other special numbers
  • Same as Hong Kong, the telephone number for emergency services --- Police, Fire Service and Ambulance --- is 999.
    318 - alternate to 999
    110 - for tourist in Mainland China
    112 - for other tourist, mainly from Asia
    Some special numbers are 3-digit or 4-digit.
  • See also
  • Telephone numbers in China
    Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
    References from Telephone_numbers_in_Macau
    Communications in Macau
    Macau stubs
    All articles lacking sources
  • 中文

  • Phones in Macau

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    iso2 : MO
    iso3 : MAC
    State or Province : Macau
    Country : China
    Lat : 22.1667
    Long : 113.55
    Population : 649342
    Latitude: 22.1667, Longitude: 113.55, ISO: China (MO) - Population : 649342
    Phones in Macau
    - Where to find Phones in Macau? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Macau
    - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
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    Macau Codes
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