Phones in Turkmenistan

Phones in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan - Phone Numbers -
Telephone numbers in Turkmenistan - are prefixed by Country code 993 - .
MC Turkmenistan Ministry of Communications
Area - Code
Ashgabat - 12
Ahal Province
Gypjak - 1392
Baharly (Bäherden) - 131
Gökdepe - 132
Kaka - 133
Sarahs - 134
Tejen - 135
Babadaýhan - 136
Änew - 137
Abadan - 138
Balkan Province
Türkmenbaşy - 243
Hazar (Çeleken) - 240
Gumdag - 241
Etrek (Gyzyletrek) - 242
Balkanabat (Nebitdag) - 222
Esenguly - 245
Serdar (Gyzylarbat) - 246
Bereket (Gazanjyk) - 247
Magtymguly (Garrygala) - 248
Daşoguz Province
Lebap Province
Mary Province
  • Daşoguz Province
  • Daşoguz 003 22*****
    Tagta 003 40*****
    Ýylanly 003 43*****
    Akdepe 003 44*****
    Gubadag 003 45*****
    Boldumsaz 003 46*****
    Köneürgenç 003 47*****
    Nyýazow 003 48*****
    Türkmenbaşy 003 49*****
  • Lebap Province
  • Turkmenabat (Çärjew) 004 22*****
    Gowurdak 004 31*****
    Nyýazow 004 32*****
    Gazojak 004 38*****
    Çarşaňňy 004 40*****
    Halaç 004 41*****
    Hojambaz 004 42*****
    Garabekewül 004 43*****
    Atamyrat (Kerki) 004 44*****
    Darganata 004 45*****
    Dänew 004 46*****
    Saýat 004 47*****
    Farap 004 48*****
    Sakar 004 49*****
    Seýdi 004 61*****
    Dostluk 004 65*****
  • Mary Province
  • Mary 005 22*****
    Ýagty ýol 005 57*****
    Mollanepes 005 58*****
    Gulanly 005 59*****
    Ýolöten 005 60*****
    Serhetabat (Guşgy) 005 61*****
    Baýramaly 005 64*****
    Murgap 005 65*****
    Sakarçäge 005 66*****
    Tagtabazar 005 68*****
    Türkmengala 005 69*****
  • Special service numbers
  • Telephone number -
    01 - Firefighter
    02 - Police
    03 - Ambulance
    04 - Natural gas safety
    09 - Telephone directory
    v d e Telephone numbers in Asia
    References from Telephone_numbers_in_Turkmenistan
    Telephone numbers by country
    Turkmenistan stubs
    Telecommunications stubs
    All articles lacking sources
  • Türkmençe
  • Turkmen Telecom

    Company : Turkmen Telecom
    Website :

    Phone : 071 / (+993) 12 49 51 51
    Social Networks Facebook
    Turkmen Telecom Turkmenistan: Turkmen Telecom Turkmenistan - The Heart of Turkmen Communication. Turkmen Telecom is the central hub of communication in Turkmenistan.

    Phones in Turkmenistan

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    Search in Turkmenistan :


    ISO : TM
    ISO3 : TKM
    ISO-Numeric : 795
    FIPS : TX
    Country : Turkmenistan
    Capital : Ashgabat
    Area km2 : 488100
    Population : 5850908
    Continent : AS
    Internet : .tm
    Currency Code : TMT
    Currency Name : Manat
    Phone : 993
    Postal Code Format : ######
    Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{6})$
    Languages : tk,ru,uz
    Geo : 1218197
    Neighbours countries : AF,IR,UZ,KZ
    Phones in Turkmenistan
    - Where to find Phones in Turkmenistan? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Turkmenistan
    - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
    Search Phones
    . Find phones in Turkmenistan. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
    Mobile Phones
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    Turkmenistan Codes
    and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
    Yellow pages of Turkmenistan
    to locate Phones in Turkmenistan Business Directory. Where to search business in Turkmenistan? Use the list of yellow pages in Turkmenistan to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Turkmenistan.
    - How to call to Turkmenistan? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
    White pages in Turkmenistan
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