


 - - Best Mobile Phone Companies
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Find Phones in Israel: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Lowland, Sharon Area
Mobile Phone Companies in Israel
Bezeq 014
Cellcom 052
Orange 054
Mirs 057
Wataniya Telecom 056 (Palestinian territories)
Jawwal / Paltel 059 - Operator in the Palestinian territories
Cellular and mobile devices in Israel uses the area code 05
List of Mobile Phones Operators in Israel
Pelephone - Mobile phone numbers : 050 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 50 XXX-XXXX
Exphone - Mobile phone numbers : 051 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 51 XXX-XXXX (Inoperative)
Cellcom - Mobile phone numbers : 052 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 52 XXX-XXXX
Hot Mobile (Altice) - Mobile phone numbers : 053 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 53 XXX-XXXX
Partner (also operates 012mobile) - Mobile phone numbers : 054 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 54 XXX-XXXX
Mobile virtual network operators (MVNO's) - Mobile phone numbers : 055 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 XXX-XXXX
Cellcom (Formerly Home Cellular) - Mobile phone numbers : 055 2XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 2XX-XXXX
Kosher Mobile Products
Free Telecom - Mobile phone numbers : 055 3XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 3XX-XXXX (Inoperative)
Cellran (Tadiran) - Mobile phone numbers : 055 4XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 4XX-XXXX (Inoperative)
Sipme / Gali Phone - Mobile phone numbers : 055 5XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 5XX-XXXX (Inoperative)
Rami Levy - Mobile phone numbers : 055 6XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 6XX-XXXX
Cellact - Mobile phone numbers : 055 7XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 7XX-XXXX
Bynet Businesses - Mobile phone numbers : 055 7XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 7XX-XXXX (Inoperative)
Pelephone (Formerly YouPhone) - Mobile phone numbers : 055 8XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 8XX-XXXX
019 Mobile (019 Telzar) - Mobile phone numbers : 055 9XX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 55 9XX-XXXX
Wataniya Mobile - Phone numbers : 056 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 56 XXX-XXXX (Palestinian territories)
Golan Telecom - Mobile phone numbers : 058 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 58 XXX-XXXX
Jawwal - Mobile phone numbers : 059 XXX-XXXX - International dial format : +972 59 XXX-XXXX (Palestinian territories)
Golan Telecom
Rami Levy
Israel White Pages
Find phone numbers in the white pages of Israel - Free reverse lookup by and area codes by city. Search people and business by addresses in the phone book.
The Yellow Pages of Israel
Search phone numbers in the Yellow Pages of Israel - Phone book and reverse lookup. Find a phone number and address by city or category.

Districts of Israel

/ מחוזות ישראל‬ (Hebrew) / محافظات إسرائيل (Arabic)
Jerusalem District
Tel Aviv District
Haifa District
Northern District
Central District
Southern District
Judea and Samaria
Government District. Subdivisions: City council, Local council, Regional council
State of Israel - 6 main administrative districts. In Hebrew : mehozot (מחוזות; singular: mahoz מָחוֹז‬) and Arabic as mintaqah.
Sub-districts - Total 15 (also referred to as counties). In Hebrew : nafot (נפות‬; singular: nafa נָפָה‬). Each sub-district is divided into cities, municipalities, and regional councils.
Population of Israel : 8,815,060 estimated people in 2018. Religion : Jews 74.7%, Arabs 20.8% , while christians and other religions or people who have no religion are 4.5%, according the data and lists of the Israeli civil registry.
There are 77 municipalities granted city status by the Ministry of Interior with populations over 100,000. Two more cities are planned: Kasif in the Negev, and Harish.
CBS - Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
List of cities in Israel. Search by City, Population, District, Sub-District, Religion and Population Group

Telephone numbers in Israel

Country Code: 972
00 - International Access Code (For registered customers)
012 - International Access Code (012 Smile service)
013 - International Access Code (013 Netvision service)
014 - International Access Code (Bezeq International service)
018 - International Access Code (018 Xfone service)
02 XXX XXXX - Jerusalem Area
03 XXX XXXX - Tel Aviv & Central Area
04 XXX XXXX - Haifa & Northern Area
08 XXX XXXX - Lowland & Southern Area
09 XXX XXXX - Sharon Area
050 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Pelephone)
052 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Cellcom)
054 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Orange)
056 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Wataniya Telecom, in the Palestinian territories)
057 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Mirs)
059 XXX XXXX - Mobile (Jawwal, in the Palestinian territories)
072 2XX XXXX - VoB Service (012 Smile)
073 2XX XXXX - Local Calls (Cellcom)
073 3XX XXXX - Local Business Telephone lines(Cellcom)
073 7XX XXXX - VoB Service (013 Netvision)
074 7XX XXXX - Local Calls (Orange)
076 5XX XXXX - VoB Service (Bezeq International service)
076 88X XXXX - Local Calls (Bezeq)
077 XXX XXXX - Cable Phone Service (Hot)
100 - Police
101 - Ambulance Service
102 - Fire Fighters
103 - Electric Corporation
106 - Municipal Call Center - in most cities -
107 - Municipal Call Center - in some cities -
108 - Municipal Call Center - in some cities -
109 - Municipal Call Center - in some cities -
118 - Ministry of Social Affair's emergency service
1201 - Mental health first aid
1255 XXX - Hospital Information Center - only in times of emergency -
1212 XX XX - Telephone-Based poll and televoting
1200 XXX XXX - Televoting
*XXXX - (Star and 4 digits) Speed dial service
1234 - Bezeq-Card service (Bezeq lines only)
1346 - Dial up access to ISP service
1455 - Time and date in Israel and around the world
142 - Collect Call
144 - Telephone Listings Information
166 - Bezeq technical support
199 - Bezeq customer service
164 - Bezeq business customer service
1 700 XXX XXX - Business Toll
1 80X XXX XXX - Toll Free
Note - The Israeli telecommunication infrastructure is available and used extensively in the Palestinian Territories too. For further information see telephone numbers in Palestinian Territories.
MOC Israel Ministry of Communication
The telephone number country code for Israel is +972
How to dial in Israel ? When dialing an Israeli telephone number inside the country, use : 0 + Area/network operator code (A/N) + phone number (X)
How to dial to Israel from other countries? When dialing an Israeli telephone number from other country, use : +972 + Area/network operator code (A/N) + phone number (X)
List of telephone area codes by district and city
How to dial to Israel ? To dial within inside the same geographical area, the local prefix (2, 3, 4, 8, 9) can be dropped. For example instead of dialing (0A) XXX-XXXX you can dial XXX-XXXX).
Local telephone number : (02) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 2 XXX-XXXX in Jerusalem District area code
Local telephone number : (03) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 3 XXX-XXXX in Tel Aviv District area code
Local telephone number : (03) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 3 XXX-XXXX in Central District area code
Local telephone number : (04) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 4 XXX-XXXX in Haifa District
Local telephone number : (04) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 4 XXX-XXXX in Northern District area code
Local telephone number : (08) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 8 XXX-XXXX in Southern District area code
Local telephone number : (08) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 8 XXX-XXXX in Lowland area code
Local telephone number : (09) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 9 XXX-XXXX in Sharon area code
Telephone numbers in Israel includes an area code, operator and a subscriber number.
Telephone number length : 8 or 9 (subscriber number)
International call prefix : 00 or 01x -
Dial 00 for the International Access Code when calling from Israel to other countries (For registered customers)
Telecom Regulator : Israeli Ministry of Communications - The Israeli telecommunication infrastructure is including the Palestinian telecommunication system.
00 or +short code - International Access Code (Only for registered customers)
012 - International Code 012 Smile Service
013 - International Code 013 Netvision Service
014 - International Code Bezeq International Service
015 – International Code Hallo 015 Service
016 – International Code Golan Telecom Service
017 – International Code Hot Mobile Service
018 - International Code 018 Exfone Service (Xfone)
019 – International Code 019 Telzar service

Emergency Phone Number

 - - Phone Number and Mobile Phones in Israel.
100 - Police
101 - Ambulance Service (Magen David Adom)
102 - Fire Fighters
103 - Electric Corporation
104 - Home Front Command (Information about how to act in war and earthquake)
106 - Municipal Call Center - in most cities
107 - Municipal Call Center - in most cities
108 - Municipal Call Center - in most cities
109 - Municipal Call Center - in most cities
110 - Police information service
118 - Ministry of Social Affairs emergency service
1201 - Mental health first aid
1255 XXX - Hospital Information Center - only in times of emergency
Hospital emergency services available in +972 1255-XXX. Other emergency services available from abroad by its full number.
Israel Codes (+972) IL / ISR - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+972) Israel Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.IL is the country code for internet and national web sites
The international country calling code for Israel is +972
How to call from Israel to another country? choose the operator company, and dial its international access code, then dial the destination country code and the telephone number.
International call prefix.
Telephone Operators and internet companies in Israel
00 or +short code - International Access Code (Only for registered customers)
012 - International Code 012 Smile Service
013 - International Code 013 Netvision Service
014 - International Code Bezeq International Service
015 – International Code Hallo 015 Service
016 – International Code Golan Telecom Service
017 – International Code Hot Mobile Service
018 - International Code 018 Exfone Service
019 – International Code 019 Telzar service
077 XXX XXXX - Cable Phone Service (Hot)
106 - Municipal Call Center in most cities
107 - Municipal Call Center in some cities
108 - Municipal Call Center in some cities
109 - Municipal Call Center in some cities
Emergency Phone Numbers Police, Ambulance, Hospitals
Special Phone Numbers
*XXXX - (Star and 4 digits) Speed dial service
1234 - Bezeq-Card service (Bezeq lines only)
1455 - Speaking clock - Time and date in Israel and around the world
142 - Collect Call
144 - Telephone Listings Information
166 - Bezeq technical support
199 - Bezeq customer service
164 - Bezeq business customer service
1 599 XXX XXX - Business Toll
1 700 XXX XXX - Business Toll
1 80X XXX XXX - Toll Free
1 90X XXX XXX - Premium
1212 XX XX - Telephone-Based poll and televoting
1200 XXX XXX - Televoting
Code: *XXXX - (Star and 4 digits) Speed dial service
1346 - Dial up access to ISP service
1455 - Time and date in Israel and around the world
142 - Collect Call
144 - Telephone Listings Information
1 700 XXX XXX - Business Toll
1 80X XXX XXX - Toll Free
Note - The Israeli telecommunication infrastructure is available and used extensively in the Palestinian Territories too. For further information see telephone numbers in Palestinian Territories.
Israel ISO Code is 3166-2:IL
08 XXX XXXX - Lowland
09 XXX XXXX - Sharon Area
Area codes and Portability. Due to mobile number portability, a mobile phone with a prefix of one provider can be associated with a different provider.
02 XXX XXXX - Jerusalem Area
03 XXX XXXX - Tel Aviv and Israel">Central Area
04 XXX XXXX - Haifa and ">Northern Area
08 XXX XXXX - Lowland and District (Israel)">Southern Area
09 XXX XXXX - Sharon Area
Israel Codes : +972 is the Country calling code
Mobile phone codes : Smile (012), Netvision (013), Bezeq (014), Xphone (018)
Israel city codes : Jerusalem (02), Tel Aviv (02), Haifa (04), Shephelah (08), Sharon (09)
Bezeq - Cellcom - Orange
Mobile Phone Companies in Israel
050 Pelephone
052 Cellcom
054 Orange
057 Mirs
056 Wataniya Telecom , in the Palestinian territories
059 Jawwal / Paltel in the Palestinian territories
077 XXX XXXX - Cable Phone Service (Hot )
02 XXX XXXX - Jerusalem
03 XXX XXXX - Tel Aviv
04 XXX XXXX - Haifa
03 XXX XXXX - Central Area
04 XXX XXXX - Northern Area
08 XXX XXXX - Southern Area
08 XXX XXXX - Shephelah, Lowland
09 XXX XXXX - Sharon Area

Phones in Israel

Phones in Israel . (972) Find the best mobile phone companies in Israel. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. IL List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Phones in Asia : HaDarom, HaMerkaz, HaZafon, Hefa, Tel Aviv, Yerushalayim

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Israel :




HOT Mobile

Golan Telecom

TCS Telecom

Bezeq International


What is the best mobile phone company in Israel?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Israel.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Israel offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Israel 972 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Israel find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
IL Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Israel Find address and telephones numbers.
972 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. ISR
Search in Israel :


iso2 : IL
iso3 : ISR
Country : Israel
Lat : 31.046051
Long : 34.851612
Population : 8655541
Latitude: 31.046051, Longitude: 34.851612, ISO: Israel (IL) - Population : 8655541

ISO-Numeric : 376
Country : Israel
Capital : Jerusalem
Area km2 : 20770
Population : 8883800
Continent : AS
Internet : .il
Currency Code : ILS
Currency Name : Shekel
Phone : 972
Postal Code Format : #######
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{7}
Languages : \d{5})$
Geo : he,ar-IL,en-IL,
Neighbours countries : 294640
Equivalent Fips Code : SY,JO,LB,EG,PS
Phones in Israel
- Where to find Phones in Israel? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Israel
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Israel. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Israel. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Israel Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Israel
to locate Phones in Israel Business Directory. Where to search business in Israel? Use the list of yellow pages in Israel to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Israel.
- How to call to Israel? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Israel
to find phone numbers in Israel. Where to find people in Israel? How can I find people in Israel? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Israel. Where to search Phones in Israel?
can I find a phone number in Israel ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Israel - Location and Map of Israel. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones Israel 2025
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