Phones in Japan

Phones in Japan

Japan - Phone Numbers -
Japan / JP / JPN / +81 / Telephone numbers in Japan
Country Code : 81 -
Dialing prefixes
0 - National area code prefix
00 - Carrier selection prefix
010 - International call prefix
184 - Prefix to withhold caller ID
186 - Prefix to provide caller ID
  • Types of numbers
  • 1xx - Special numbers
    00xx - Carrier selection codes
    0x - 1-digit geographic area codes
    0xx - 2-digit geographic area codes
    0xxx - 3-digit geographic area codes
    0xxxx - 4-digit geographic area codes
    0xxxxx - 5-digit geographic area codes
    0x0 - 2-digit non-Geographic area codes (excluding 010)
    0xx0 - 3-digit non-Geographic area codes (01x0, 0570, 0800, 0910, 0990)
    Note that, for international calls to Japan, the first "0" digit should not be used. So, for example, to call 090 1111 1111 from the United States, 011-81-90-1111-1111 should be used. To call from Europe use 00-81-90-1111-1111.
  • Length of numbers
  • Special numbers - are 3 digits long
    Geographic numbers - are 10 digits long, including the leading zero
    0x0 Non-geographic numbers - are 11 digits long, including the leading zero
    0xx0 Non-geographic numbers - are 10 digits long, including the leading zero
  • Emergency services
  • 110 - Police
    118 - Maritime emergencies
    119 - Ambulance, Fire brigade
    171 - Earthquake assistance
  • Operator services
  • 100 - NTT operator
    106 - Operator assisted collect call service
    108 - Automated collect call service
    113 - NTT technical faults hotline
    116 - NTT customer service and general enquiries
  • Directory services
  • 104 - NTT national directory enquiries
    0057 - KDDI international directory enquiries
  • Special services
  • 114 - Automated number-busy check
    115 - Telegram service
    117 - Speaking clock
    136 - Information on last incoming call
    177 - Weather forecast
  • Long distance carrier selection (Myline)
  • With the exception of 001, all carrier selection codes are four digits long. They are dialed before the phone number to select a specific carrier.
    001 - KDDI (international)
    0033 - NTT Communications
    0036 - NTT East
    0037 - Fusion Communications
    0039 - NTT West
    0041 - SoftBank Telecom (international / former Japan Telecom)
    0056 - KDDI (international)
    0061 - SoftBank Telecom (international / former Cable and Wireless IDC)
    0071 - Verizon Japan
    0077 - KDDI (national)
    0080 - T-Systems
    0081 - Fusion Communications (former TTNet)
    0088 - SoftBank Telecom (national / former Japan Telecom)
    0089 - T-Systems
  • Non-geographic area codes
  • 0120 - NTT Freedial, tollfree services
    0130 - Automated information services
    0140 - Disaster relief wireless communications
    0160 - Disaster relief satellite communications
    0170 - NTT Dengon Dial, chat line services
    0180 - NTT Telegong, TV/Radio show feedback dial-in
    0180 - NTT Teledome, automated information services
    0190 - NTT Angel Line, automated directory services via PC/modem
    0190 - NTT Annai Jozu, automated directory services via telephone
    0800 - Other tollfree services
    020 - Paging services
    030 - Mobile telephony services (legacy systems, PDC, J-CDMA, UMTS)
    040 - Mobile telephony services (legacy systems, PDC, J-CDMA, UMTS)
    050 - IP telephony service (via internet service providers)
    0570 - Navi Dial, non-geographic wireline
    060 - Universal personal number services
    070 - Mobile telephony and data services (PHS)
    080 - Mobile telephony and data services (PDC, J-CDMA, UMTS)
    090 - Mobile telephony and data services (PDC, J-CDMA, UMTS)
    0910 - Private circuit access, local rate services
    0990 - NTT DialQ2, premium rate services
  • Decommissioned area codes
  • 0150 - formerly used for maritime wireless communications
    0450 - formerly used for maritime wireless communications
    0750 - formerly used for maritime wireless communications
  • Area codes (市外局番 "shigai-kyokuban") of selected major cities
  • 011 - Sapporo
    0138 - Hakodate
    0166 - Asahikawa
    017 - (next digit 7) Aomori
    018 - (next digit 8) Akita
    019 - (next digit 6) Morioka
    022 - Sendai
    023 - (next digit 6) Yamagata
    024 - (next digit 5) Fukushima
    024 - (next digit 9) Kōriyama
    025 - Niigata
    026 - Nagano
    027 - (next digit 2) Maebashi
    027 - (next digit 3) Takasaki
    028 - (next digit 6) Utsunomiya
    03 - Tokyo
    04 - (next digit 2) Tokorozawa
    04 - (next digit 7) Kashiwa
    042 - (next digit 6) Hachiōji
    042 - (next digit 7) Machida, Sagamihara
    043 - (next digit 2 or 3) Chiba
    044 - Kawasaki
    045 - Yokohama
    046 - (next digit 6) Fujisawa
    046 - (next digit 8) Yokosuka
    047 - (next digit 3) Ichikawa, Matsudo
    047 - (next digit 4 (3 for west part of the city)) Funabashi
    048 - (next digit 2) Kawaguchi
    048 - (next digit 6 or 7 or 8) Saitama
    049 - Kawagoe
    052 - Nagoya
    053 - Hamamatsu
    0532 - Toyohashi
    054 - Shizuoka
    055 - Kofu
    0564 - Okazaki
    0565 - Toyota
    0568 - Kasugai
    058 - Gifu
    0586 - Ichinomiya
    059 - (next digit 2) Tsu
    059 - (next digit 2) Yokkaichi
    06 - Osaka, Higashiōsaka, Suita, Toyonaka, Amagasaki
    072 - (next digit 2) Sakai
    072 - (next digit 6) Takatsuki
    072 - (next digit 8) Hirakata
    073 - Wakayama
    0742 - Nara
    075 - Kyoto
    076 - (next digit 2) Kanazawa
    076 - (next digit 4) Toyama
    077 - (next digit 5) Ōtsu
    0776 - Fukui
    078 - Kobe
    079 - (next digit 2)Himeji
    0798 - Nishinomiya
    082 - Hiroshima
    083 - (next digit 2) Shimonoseki
    083 - (next digit 9) Yamaguchi
    084 - Fukuyama
    0852 - Matsue
    086 - (next digit 2 to 9) Okayama
    086 - (next digit 4 or 5) Kurashiki
    087 - (next digit 8) Takamatsu
    088 - (next digit 6) Tokushima
    088 - (next digit 8) Kochi
    089 - (next digit 9) Matsuyama
    092 - Fukuoka
    093 - Kitakyushu
    0942 - Kurume
    095 - (next digit 8) Nagasaki
    0952 - Saga
    0956 - Sasebo
    096 - Kumamoto
    097 - Ōita
    098 - Naha
    0985 - Miyazaki
    099 - Kagoshima
    Geographic numbers are 10 digits long including the leading 0 and the area code. Consequently, densely populated areas have shorter area codes, while less populated areas have longer area codes. For example:
    06 - xxxx xxxx (Osaka)
    075 - xxx xxxx (Kyoto)
    0742 - xx xxxx (Nara)
    04992 - x xxxx (Niijima island, Tokyo pref.)
    082486 - xxxx (Takano, Hiroshima pref.)
    Area codes increase from north to south; Sapporo in Hokkaidō (the northernmost prefecture) has 011 - , and Setouchi's 09973 - is far to the south in Kagoshima. When the telephone system was devised, Okinawa was still under U.S. occupation, so when it was returned to Japan in 1972, its telephone numbers were squeezed between Miyazaki (098x) and Kagoshima (099x) and begin with 0988, 0989, and 0980.
    During the 1990s, when plans were being drawn up to amalgamate mid-sized cities and towns into larger municipalities, telephone numbering systems were merged in advance. For example,
    07442 - x xxxx Kashihara (Nara prefecture) - became: 0744 - 2x xxxx Kashihara
    07444 - x xxxx Sakurai - became: 0744 - 4x xxxx Sakurai
    074452 - xxxx Takatori- became: 0744 - 52 xxxx Takatori
    074454 - xxxx Asuka etc.- became: 0744 - 54 xxxx Asuka etc.
    Many of these towns have in fact refused to merge, leaving callers with more digits to dial when making local calls. This is partially balanced by not having to dial an area code for the neighboring city.
  • See also
  • Telephone numbering plan
    List of dialing codes in Japan
    Telephone information page of the Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO)
    See also +81 (Deerhoof) Code
    References from Telephone_numbers_in_Japan
    Telephone numbers in Japan
  • Afrikaans
  • 日本語
  • NTT Docomo

    Company : NTT Docomo
    Website :  NTT Docomo

    Phone : 15711
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

    NTT Docomo: Redefining Mobile Communication in Japan

    Find the best NTT Docomo phones in Japan for an exceptional mobile experience. Explore a wide selection of phone devices and services in Japan with NTT Docomo. NTT DoCoMo is one of Japan's leading telecommunications companies. It is a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and is involved in mobile communication services. Below, we'll provide an overview of NTT DoCoMo and its key services:

    History of NTT DoCoMo

    NTT DoCoMo was established in 1992 and became the first provider of digital mobile phone services in Japan. Since then, it has established itself as a leader in Japan's mobile communication market.

    Mobile Phone Services

    NTT DoCoMo offers various mobile phone plans and smartphones, catering to a wide range of communication needs.

    Data Communication

    It provides high-speed data communication networks, allowing users to browse the web, stream videos, and engage in various data-related activities.

    International Roaming

    NTT DoCoMo's services support international roaming, enabling users to stay connected while abroad.

    Internet of Things (IoT)

    NTT DoCoMo offers communication services for IoT devices and is involved in projects related to smart cities and smart homes.

    Technological Innovation and Research

    NTT DoCoMo actively engages in innovative communication technologies and contributes to the development of next-generation communication networks, including the adoption of 5G technology.

    Contributions to Society

    NTT DoCoMo plays a vital role in providing communication infrastructure during disasters and contributes to the community. The company is involved in a wide range of projects both domestically and internationally.

    Future of NTT DoCoMo

    NTT DoCoMo aims to maintain its leadership in the mobile communication field in Japan and internationally. It focuses on improving the user experience through technology and innovation.

    Plans :

    Choose your plan:

    • Ahamo plan:

      • Data capacity: 20GB.

      • Online application process.

      • Free calls in 5 minutes (some exceptions).

    • Ahamo large portion plan:

      • Data capacity: Total 100GB (20GB in base plan + 80GB additional option).

      • Online application process.

      • Free calls in 5 minutes (some exceptions).

      • Price: 20GB for 2,970 yen/month, additional 80GB option for 1,980 yen/month.

    • Plan irumo:

      • Data capacity: 0.5GB, 11/3GB, 6GB, 9GB.

      • Flexible data support according to your needs.

      • Communication speed of 3Mbps in 4G (LTE) network.

      • Possibility of speed reduction if the data limit is exceeded.

    • Smartphone Plan for the first time:

      • Special offer for those who have changed their FOMA contract or have moved to 5G/Xi (4G/LTE) from a 3G line of another company.

      • Free national calls for the first 5 minutes.

      • Discount on monthly charges for up to 12 months when combined with First Smartphone Discount.

      • 1 GB data limit per month.

      • Maximum transmit/receive speed reduced to 128 kbps once data limit is exceeded.


    Company : SoftBank
    Website :  SoftBank

    Phone : 0800-919-0157
    Social Networks Facebook Instagram Youtube

    SoftBank: Shaping Japan's Telecommunications Landscape

    SoftBank is one of Japan's prominent telecommunications providers, offering a wide range of services, including mobile, broadband, and more. They are known for their innovation and played a significant role in shaping Japan's mobile landscape. Find the best phones in Japan with SoftBank Corp. SoftBank Group Corp., commonly known as SoftBank, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate holding company. Founded in 1981 by Masayoshi Son, the company has evolved into one of Japan's leading and most influential technology and telecommunications corporations. Here is an overview of SoftBank:

    Key Services

    Telecommunications: SoftBank operates as a major player in Japan's telecommunications industry. It provides mobile communication services, including voice and data plans, to millions of customers in Japan.

    Internet and Broadband Services: SoftBank offers high-speed internet and broadband services, catering to residential and business customers.

    Technology Investments

    SoftBank has gained recognition for its investments in various technology companies worldwide. The SoftBank Vision Fund, one of the largest tech investment funds globally, has invested in numerous startups and established tech firms.


    The company has ventured into the field of robotics, developing humanoid robots like Pepper and NAO, which are used in various industries, including retail and healthcare.

    AI and Innovations

    SoftBank is actively involved in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development. It continues to explore AI applications across different sectors.

    Financial Services

    SoftBank Group has expanded its portfolio to include financial services, such as online banking and insurance.

    International Presence

    SoftBank has a significant international presence, with investments and partnerships worldwide. It has become known for its strategic investments in tech giants and startups, including companies like Alibaba, ARM Holdings, and Uber.

    Corporate Vision

    SoftBank's founder and CEO, Masayoshi Son, is known for his vision of a connected future. The company actively seeks opportunities to contribute to advancements in technology and the broader telecommunications industry.

    Plans :

    Mobile phone plans:

    Basic Plan (Voice Calls):

    • ¥1,078/month.
    • Applicable models: iPhone (iPhone 5 and up), Google Pixel, 4G smartphones, feature phones.

    Basic Plan (Data):

    • ¥1,078/month.
    • Applicable models: iPad, tablets, mobile data communication devices.

    Mini Fit Plus Plan:

    • Basic Plan (Voice Calls): ¥1,078 per month.

    Mini Fit Plus Data Plan:

    • Up to 1GB: ¥2,200 per month.
    • Up to 2GB: ¥3,300 per month.
    • Up to 3GB: ¥4,400 per month.
    • Discount Home Bundle Hikari Set: -¥1,100.

    Merihari Unlimited Plan:

    • Basic Plan (Voice Calls): ¥1,078 per month.

    Merihari Unlimited Data Plan:

    • For more than 3GB: ¥7,238 per month (1 person) / ¥6,160 per month (2 people) / ¥6,138 per month (3 people or more).
    • For 3GB or less: ¥4,488 per month (1 person) / ¥3,828 per month (2 people) / ¥3,278 per month (3 people or more).
    • Tethering option: ¥0 per month.
    • Discount Home Bundle Hikari Set: -¥1,100 per month.
    • New Everybody Family Discount: -¥660 per month (2 people) / -¥1,210 per month (3 people or more).

    Rakuten Mobile

    Company : Rakuten Mobile
    Website :  Rakuten Mobile

    Phone : (+81) 50-5581-6910
    Social Networks Facebook Youtube

    Rakuten Mobile: Redefining Japan's Telecommunications

    Rakuten Mobile is a disruptive force in Japan's telecommunications market. They are known for introducing competitive pricing and innovative services. As a relatively new player, they're challenging the status quo. Discover Rakuten Mobile services in Japan: attractive rates, reliable coverage and flexible options for your mobile phone. Rakuten Mobile, Inc. is a Japanese mobile network operator and a subsidiary of Rakuten Group, one of Japan's leading e-commerce and technology companies. Rakuten Mobile has gained prominence in Japan for its innovative approach to telecommunications. Here's an overview of Rakuten Mobile:

    Key Services

    Mobile Telecommunications: Rakuten Mobile provides mobile phone services, including voice and data plans, to consumers in Japan. It operates as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) using its own mobile network infrastructure.

    5G Network: Rakuten Mobile has made significant investments in building a cutting-edge 5G network. It aims to provide high-speed and reliable 5G services to its customers.

    Internet Services: As part of the larger Rakuten Group, Rakuten Mobile offers various internet services, including e-commerce, online banking, and digital content distribution.

    Industry Disruption

    Rakuten Mobile is known for its disruptive approach to the telecommunications industry in Japan. The company has challenged established players through innovative pricing, customer-centric offerings, and advanced technology.

    5G Network Expansion

    One of the company's significant initiatives is the deployment of its cloud-native and fully virtualized 5G network. This approach allows for flexibility and scalability in network operations.

    Corporate Vision

    Rakuten Mobile's vision is to offer competitive, high-quality mobile services and contribute to the advancement of telecommunications technology. The company emphasizes customer satisfaction and cost-effective solutions.

    Plans :

    Rakuten Mobile:

    • Base monthly price: 980 yen.

    • Data options: 3GB.

    • Minimum contract duration: 0 months.

    • Terminate without costs: No.

    • Customer service in English: No.

    Additional fees:

    • Plan fee: 4,400 yen/month (4,840 yen including tax).

    • Universal service fee: 2 yen/month.

    • Telephone relay service fee: 1.1 yen/month.

    Rakuten Turbo 5G product price:

    • Lump sum payment: 41,580 yen.

    • 48 times payment: 866 yen x 48 times.

    • 24 installments: 1,732 yen x 24 times.

    • Contract management fee: 3,300 yen.

    • SIM card replacement fee: 0 yen.

    • Shipping costs: 0 yen.

    Other charges:

    • Credit card fees: 0 yen.

    • Account transfer fee: 110 yen/month.

    • Document submission service fee: 330 yen.

    • Billing fee: 220 yen.

    • Cash on delivery rate: Depends on the total amount of the product.

    • Convenience store payment rate: Depends on the invoiced amount and the convenience store selected.

    LINE Mobile

    Company : LINE Mobile
    Website :

    Phone : 0120-142-275
    Social Networks Twitter

    LINE Mobile: Revolutionizing Japan's Telecommunications

    LINE Mobile is associated with the popular messaging app LINE. They offer mobile services and packages designed for users who want seamless connectivity with the LINE app and other services. Discover LINE Mobile's affordable plans in Japan for calls and data. LINE Mobile is a leading player in the Japanese telecommunications landscape, known for its innovative and customer-centric approach. With an array of service offerings and a strong commitment to user satisfaction, LINE Mobile has established itself as a key provider in the industry.

    Comprehensive Telecom Services

    LINE Mobile offers a comprehensive range of telecom services, including mobile plans, data options, and messaging solutions. Their versatile plans cater to the diverse communication needs of individuals and businesses across Japan.

    Flexible Mobile Plans

    LINE Mobile takes pride in its flexible mobile plans designed to meet the unique requirements of each user. Whether you need unlimited data for streaming or a basic plan for essential communication, LINE Mobile has you covered.

    High-Quality Network Coverage

    One of LINE Mobile's standout features is its extensive and high-quality network coverage, ensuring that users in both urban and remote areas can rely on dependable and fast mobile services.

    Embracing Innovation

    Innovation is at the core of LINE Mobile's philosophy. They consistently invest in emerging technologies and digital solutions to keep Japan at the forefront of global telecom trends.

    Customer-Centric Approach

    LINE Mobile places great emphasis on customer satisfaction, offering responsive customer support and user-friendly interfaces to provide a positive and tailored experience for their clients.

    Industry News

    In recent news, LINE Mobile has been making strides in introducing 5G technology to its network, promising even faster and more efficient connectivity for its users.

    Plans :

    Basic plan with SIM voice call:

    • 500 MB (2 GB): ¥1,100/month (¥1,210 including tax)

    • 3 GB (5 GB): ¥1,480/month (¥1,628 including taxes)

    • 6 GB (10 GB): ¥2,200/month (¥2,420 including taxes)

    • 12 GB (30 GB): ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including tax)

    Basic plan with data SIM:

    • 500 MB (2 GB): ¥600/month (¥660 tax included)

    • 3 GB (5 GB): ¥980/month (¥1,078 tax included)

    • 6 GB (10 GB): ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including tax)

    • 12 GB (30 GB): ¥2,700/month (¥2,970 including tax)

    Optional services:

    • Unlimited calls for 10 minutes: ¥880/month (¥968 tax included)

    • Terminal warranty: Replacement or repair of devices in case of fall or immersion: ¥450/month or ¥500/month (¥495 or ¥550 taxes included)

    Other charges:

    • Initial cost: SIM card issuance fee: ¥400 (¥440 including tax)

    • Web registration management fee: ¥3,000 (¥3,300 including tax). By requesting a second line, you can save on the web log management fee by making an additional request.

    • Call rate: Domestic calls: ¥20 (¥22 tax included) per 30 seconds

    Prepaid :

    Basic plan - SIM voice call, Basic monthly fee:

    • 500 MB: ¥1,100/month (¥1,210 including tax)

    • 2 GB: ¥1,480/month (¥1,628 taxes included)

    • 3 GB: ¥2,200/month (¥2,420 including taxes)

    • 5 GB: ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including taxes)

    • 6 GB: ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including taxes)

    • 10 GB: ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including taxes)

    • 12 GB: ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including taxes)

    • 30 GB: ¥3,200/month (¥3,520 including taxes)

    Data SIM, Monthly basic fee:

    • 500 MB: ¥600/month (¥660 tax included)

    • 2 GB: ¥980/month (¥1,078 taxes included)

    • 3 GB: ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including taxes)

    • 5 GB: ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including tax)

    • 6 GB: ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including taxes)

    • 10 GB: ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including taxes)

    • 12 GB: ¥1,700/month (¥1,870 including taxes)

    • 30 GB: ¥2,700/month (¥2,970 including taxes)


    Company : IIJmio
    Website :

    Phone : 03-5205-4999
    Social Networks Twitter

    IIJmio: Revolutionizing Japanese Mobile Services

    IIJmio is part of Internet Initiative Japan Inc. They specialize in mobile services and are known for their high-speed data plans and reliable connectivity, catering to tech-savvy users. Find the best mobile phone plans in Japan with IIJmio: the ideal choice to find and enjoy the best phones. In the dynamic landscape of Japanese mobile telecommunications, IIJmio stands as a revolutionary player, challenging traditional norms with its innovative approach. As a subsidiary of Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ), a renowned name in the Internet and telecommunications sector, IIJmio has made a significant impact on the Japanese market.

    Comprehensive Mobile Services

    IIJmio offers a comprehensive suite of mobile services, catering to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses across Japan. Their offerings include mobile plans, data packages, and messaging solutions, designed to keep users connected effortlessly.

    Flexible Mobile Plans

    What sets IIJmio apart is its commitment to flexibility. The company offers an array of mobile plans that can be tailored to suit individual preferences. Whether you need unlimited data for streaming or a basic plan for essential communication, IIJmio provides versatile options.

    High-Quality Network Coverage

    IIJmio prides itself on its extensive and high-quality network coverage, ensuring seamless and reliable services in urban and remote areas alike. Users can count on fast and dependable connectivity, wherever they are in Japan.

    Innovation at the Core

    Innovation is deeply embedded in IIJmio's DNA. The company continually invests in emerging technologies and digital solutions, ensuring that Japan remains at the forefront of global telecom trends.

    Customer-Centric Approach

    A hallmark of IIJmio's success is its customer-centric approach. The company places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, offering responsive support and user-friendly interfaces to create a tailored and positive user experience.

    Affordable and Transparent Pricing

    IIJmio is known for its attractive pricing policies, offering cost-effective alternatives to traditional carriers. The transparent pricing structure is a breath of fresh air in the Japanese telecom market.

    Industry Impact

    In the ever-evolving telecom industry, IIJmio has been a game-changer, consistently introducing new technologies and services. Recently, the company has been exploring the potential of 5G technology, promising even faster and more efficient connectivity for its users.

    Plans :

    2 Gig Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥850 including tax (¥773 excluding tax)

    • Includes: Voice SIM, SMS, and type D data

    5 Gig Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥990 including tax (¥900 excluding tax)

    • Includes: Voice SIM, SMS, and type D data

    10 Gig Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥1,500 including tax (¥1,364 excluding tax)

    • Includes: Voice SIM, SMS, and type D data

    15 Gig Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥1,800 including tax (¥1,637 excluding tax)

    • Includes: Voice SIM, SMS, and type D data

    20 Gig Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥2,000 including tax (¥1,819 excluding tax)

    • Includes: Voice SIM, SMS, and type D data

    Type A Voice Only eSIM Plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥820 including tax (¥746 excluding tax)

    docomo network only voice eSIM plan:

    • Monthly fee: ¥440 including tax (¥400 excluding tax)

    Prepaid :

    5 minute flat rate call:

    • Price: 500 yen tax included (90 yen tax excluded)

    10-minute flat rate call:

    • Price: 700 yen tax included (290 yen tax excluded)

    Unlimited calls:

    • Price: 1400 yen including tax (990 yen excluding tax)

    UQ Mobile

    Company : UQ Mobile
    Website :  UQ Mobile

    Phone : 0800-777-5461
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Youtube

    UQ Mobile: Connecting Japan with Reliable Services

    UQ Mobile is a subsidiary of KDDI and focuses on mobile broadband. They play a crucial role in providing fast and reliable internet access across Japan, keeping people connected. Search and find the best mobile phone plans in Japan with UQ Mobile. Discover our wide selection of phones and choose the perfect device to be always connected. UQ Mobile has stood out for its focus on connectivity through its mobile network and broadband services. The company offers mobile phone plans that include calls, text messages, and mobile data, allowing them to compete in Japan's telecommunications market.

    In addition, UQ Mobile has worked to expand its coverage and services, which has allowed it to compete with other operators in the Japanese market. The company has also focused on offering high-speed services, including broadband services and high-speed internet access, to meet the growing demands of its customers.

    In short, UQ Mobile is a telecommunications service provider in Japan that offers a variety of services, including mobile phone, internet, and other communications-related services. The company has made efforts to expand its coverage and improve the quality of its services to compete in the Japanese telecommunications market.

    Plans :

    Plan Ⅰ-Ⅲ: Monthly payment of ¥1,078

    • Basic usage fee: ¥2,365/month (before discount)

    • Local set discount: ¥1,100/month (long term)

    • au PAY card payment discount: ¥187/month (long term)

    Plan Ⅰ-Ⅳ: Monthly payment of ¥1,540 (up to 1GB of data usage)

    • Basic usage fee: ¥3,465/month (before discount)

    • Joint family discount: ¥550/month (permanent)

    • au PAY card payment discount: ¥187/month (long term)

    • For ~1GB data usage: ¥1,188/month


    Company : Y!mobile
    Website :  Y!mobile

    Phone : 151 / 0570-039-151
    Social Networks Youtube

    Y!mobile: Delivering Quality Telecommunications Services in Japan

    Y!mobile is part of the SoftBank Group and offers a wide array of mobile services. They are dedicated to providing quality mobile experiences to their subscribers. Y!mobile: Search and discover the best phones in Japan: find your ideal device. Y!mobile is a telecommunications company in Japan that provides mobile phone, Internet, and business communications services. It was founded in 2014 as a merger between two Japanese telecommunications companies, Softbank and Willcom.

    Y!mobile focuses on offering high-quality services and affordable prices to meet the needs of Japanese consumers. The company offers a variety of mobile phone plans, including unlimited data plans and international calling plans, as well as high-speed Internet plans for home and office.

    Additionally, Y!mobile has been investing in emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to improve its services. The company has also been working to improve its network infrastructure throughout Japan to provide reliable, high-speed connectivity to its customers.

    Y!mobile is a subsidiary of Softbank, one of the largest telecommunications companies in Japan. The company is headquartered in Tokyo and operates throughout the country, with a strong presence in urban areas.

    Plans :

    Plan S

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥1,980 (¥2,178 with tax)

    • High-speed data communication capacity: 3GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 300kbps

    • 4G/5G compatible

    Plan L

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥2,980 (¥3,278 without tax)

    • Discount of ¥1,188 from the second line for family members

    • High speed data communication capacity: 5GB + 1GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 1Mbps

    • 4G/5G compatible

    Plan L+

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥3,780 (¥4,158 without tax)

    • Discount of ¥1,188 from the second line for family members

    • High-speed data communication capacity: 15GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 1Mbps

    • 4G/5G compatible

    XL Plan

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥900 without tax (¥990 with tax included)

    • High-speed data communication capacity: 1GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 300kbps

    • 4G/5G compatible

    XXL Plan

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥1,900 without tax (¥2,090 with tax included)

    • High-speed data communication capacity: 20GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 1Mbps

    • 4G/5G compatible

    XXXL Plan

    • Basic monthly fee: ¥2,700 without tax (¥2,970 with tax included)

    • High-speed data communication capacity: 25GB

    • Communication speed when data capacity is exceeded: Maximum 1Mbps

    • 4G/5G compatible


    Company : MIC
    Website :

    Phone : (+81) 03-5253-1111
    Social Networks Facebook

    Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC): Overseeing Japan's Communications and Internal Affairs

    The "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications" is the Japanese government ministry responsible for overseeing a wide range of matters related to communications and internal affairs.

    Responsibilities and Focus Areas

    • Telecommunications: The MIC regulates and supervises the telecommunications sector in Japan. This includes managing frequency assignments, issuing licenses for telecommunications operators, and promoting market competition.
    • Broadcasting: The MIC oversees broadcasting in Japan, issuing licenses for radio and television stations, managing the frequency spectrum, and advocating for media diversity.
    • Communications Policy: Developing and implementing policies and regulations related to communications. This includes promoting broadband connectivity, cybersecurity, and protecting user privacy.
    • Internal Affairs: Handling internal affairs concerning local and regional administration in Japan. This includes election management, local government administration, and promoting government decentralization.

    The MIC plays a crucial role in regulating and promoting communications and domestic affairs in Japan. Its efforts ensure that telecommunications services are available and secure for Japanese citizens.

    Phones in Japan

    Phones in Japan . (81) Find the best mobile phone companies in Japan. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. JP List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
    Japan : Aichi, Akita, Aomori, Chiba, Ehime, Fukui, Fukuoka, Fukushima, Gifu, Gumma, Hiroshima, Hokkaido, Hyogo, Ibaraki, Ishikawa, Iwate, Kagawa, Kagoshima, Kanagawa, Kochi, Kumamoto, Kyoto, Mie, Miyagi, Miyazaki, Nagano, Nagasaki, Nara, Niigata, Oita, Okayama, Osaka, Saga, Saitama, Shiga, Shimane, Shizuoka, Tochigi, Tokushima, Tokyo, Tottori, Toyama, Wakayama, Yamagata, Yamaguchi, Yamanashi, Okinawa

    Mobile Phone Companies

    List of cell phone companies in Japan :

    NTT Docomo


    Rakuten Mobile

    LINE Mobile


    UQ Mobile



    What is the best mobile phone company in Japan?
    Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Japan.
    These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
    Mobile phone companies in Japan offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
    Japan 81 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
    Yellow Pages
    Japan find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
    JP Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
    White Pages
    Japan Find address and telephones numbers.
    81 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. JPN
    Search in Japan :


    iso2 : JP
    iso3 : JPN
    Country : Japan
    Lat : 36.204824
    Long : 138.252924
    Population : 126476458
    Latitude: 36.204824, Longitude: 138.252924, ISO: Japan (JP) - Population : 126476458

    ISO : JP
    ISO3 : JPN
    ISO-Numeric : 392
    FIPS : JA
    Country : Japan
    Capital : Tokyo
    Area km2 : 377835
    Population : 126529100
    Continent : AS
    Internet : .jp
    Currency Code : JPY
    Currency Name : Yen
    Phone : 81
    Postal Code Format : ###-####
    Postal Code Regex : ^\d{3}-\d{4}$
    Languages : ja
    Geo : 1861060
    Phones in Japan
    - Where to find Phones in Japan? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Japan
    - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
    Search Phones
    . Find phones in Japan. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
    Mobile Phones
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    Japan Codes
    and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
    Yellow pages of Japan
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    - How to call to Japan? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
    White pages in Japan
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    can I find a phone number in Japan ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
    Maps of Japan - Location and Map of Japan. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
    Phones in Japan - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Japan. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
    Phones Japan 2025
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