Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus

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Northern Cyprus
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti
 - -  -
Flag - Coat of arms
National Anthem :İstiklâl Marşı - (Turkish)
Independence March
Capital - Nicosia
( Lefkoşa in Turkish)
Map Latitude : 35°11′N - Longitude : 33°22′E - 35.183°N 33.367°E - 35.183;33.367 - -
Official language(s) - Turkish
People : - Turkish Cypriot
Government : - Republic -
President : - Derviş Eroğlu
Prime Minister : - Irsen Küçük
Independence : (de facto ) - from Cyprus
Proclaimed - November 15, 1983
Recognition - By Turkey only
Area Total : 3,355 km (167th ranked together with Cyprus)
1,295 (sq mi)
Water (%) - 2.7
Population : 2006 census - 265,100 (de facto) - Density : 78/km (89th)
203/sq mi
GDP (nominal) - 2007 estimate - Total : $3.6 billion - Per capita : $14,765 -
Currency : - Turkish lira (TRY)
Time zone : - EET - (UTC) +2) -
Summer (DST) - EEST - (UTC) +3
Internet domain name for the country (TLD) - or .tr, wide use of .cc
Calling code + +90 (+90-392 for TRNC
Northern Cyprus or North Cyprus (Turkish :Kuzey Kıbrıs - ), formally named the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( TRNC) (Turkish :Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti - , KKTC ) - , is a de facto state - - 6 ] - - - 7 ] - - located in the northern portion of the island of Cyprus. Long-standing tensions between the ethnic Greek and Turkish Cypriot populations — culminating in 1974 with a coup d'état, an attempt to annex the island to Greece, and a military intervention by Turkey in response — resulted in a partitioning of the island, resettlement of many of its inhabitants, and a subsequent unilateral declaration of independence by the north in 1983. Northern Cyprus has received diplomatic recognition only from Turkey, upon which it is dependent for economic, political and military support. The rest of the international community, including the United Nations and the European Union, recognises the de jure sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the entire island.
Attempts to reach a solution to the dispute have so far been unsuccessful. In 2004 a fifth revision of the UN Annan Plan to settle the Cyprus dispute was accepted by a majority of Turkish Cypriots in a referendum, but rejected by a majority of Greek Cypriots. The Turkish Army maintains a large force in Northern Cyprus;its presence is supported and approved by the de facto local government, but the Republic of Cyprus and the international community regard it as an illegal occupation force, and its presence has also been denounced in several United Nations Security Council resolutions. - 8 ] - -
Northern Cyprus extends from the tip of the Karpass Peninsula (Cape Apostolos Andreas) in the northeast, westward to Morphou Bay and Cape Kormakitis (the Kokkina/Erenköy exclave marks the westernmost extent of the area), and southward to the village of Louroujina/Akıncılar. A buffer zone under the control of the United Nations stretches between Northern Cyprus and the rest of the island and divides Nicosia, the island's largest city and capital of both states.
1 - History -
2 - Government and politics -
3 - International status and foreign relations -
4 - Military -
5 - Administrative divisions -
7 - Education -
9 - Communications and transport -
10 - Demographics -
11 - Sports -
12 - Human rights -
13 - See also -
14 - References -
15 - Further reading -
16 -
- History -
Cyprus intercommunal violence and Turkish invasion of Cyprus
The history of Northern Cyprus begins with the gaining of independence of a united Cyprus from British rule in August 1960. Independence was only achieved after both Greek and Turkish Cypriots agreed to respectively abandon plans for enosis (union with Greece) and taksim (Turkish for 'partition'). The agreement involved Cyprus being governed under a constitution which apportioned Cabinet posts, parliamentary seats and civil service jobs on an agreed ratio between the two communities. However the Constitution of Cyprus, while establishing an independent and sovereign republic was, in the words of Stanley Alexander de Smith (an authority on constitutional law) "unique in its tortuous complexity and in the multiplicity of the safeguards that it provides for the principal minority;the Constitution of Cyprus stands alone among the constitutions of the world." - Within three years, tensions between the two communities in administrative affairs began to show. In particular disputes over separate municipalities and taxation created a deadlock in government. In 1963 President Makarios proposed unilateral changes to the constitution, via thirteen amendments, which some observers viewed as an unconstitutional attempt to tilt the balance of power in the Republic towards the Greek Cypriot community. Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots rejected the proposed amendments as an attempt to settle constitutional disputes in favour of the Greek Cypriots - 10 ] - - and as a means of demoting Turkish status from co-founders of the state to one of minority status removing their constitutional safeguards in the process. The President defended his amendments as being necessary "to resolve constitutional deadlocks." -
In 1963, the Greek Cypriot wing of the government created the Akritas plan which outlined a policy that would remove Turkish Cypriots from the government and ultimately lead to union with Greece. The plan stated that if the Turkish Cypriots objected then they should be "violently subjugated before foreign powers could intervene". On December 21, 1963, a Turkish Cypriot crowd clashed with the plainclothes special constables of Yorgadjis. Almost immediately, intercommunal violence broke out with a major Greek Cypriot paramilitary attack upon Turkish Cypriots in Nicosia and Larnaca. Though the TMT — a Turkish resistance group created in 1959 to promote a policy of taksim (division or partition of Cyprus), in opposition to the Greek Cypriot nationalist group EOKA and its advocacy of enosis (union of Cyprus with Greece) — committed a number of acts of retaliation, historian of the Cyprus conflict Keith Kyle noted that "there is no doubt that the main victims of the numerous incidents that took place during the next few months were Turks." - 10 ] - - Seven hundred Turkish hostages, including women and children, were taken from the northern suburbs of Nicosia. Nikos Sampson, a nationalist and future coup leader, led a group of Greek Cypriot irregulars into the mixed suburb of Omorphita and attacked the Turkish Cypriot population. By 1964, 193 Turkish Cypriots and 133 Greek Cypriots had been killed, with a further 209 Turks and 41 Greeks missing and presumed dead.

A map of the Turkish Cypriot Enclaves before 1974 military operations
Turkish Cypriot members of the government had by now withdrawn, creating an essentially Greek Cypriot administration in control of all institutions of the state. Widespread looting of Turkish Cypriot villages prompted 20,000 refugees to retreat into armed enclaves, where they remained for the next 11 years, - relying on food and medical supplies from Turkey to survive. Turkish Cypriots formed paramilitary groups to defend the enclaves, leading to a gradual division of the island's communities into two hostile camps. The violence had also seen thousands of Turkish Cypriots attempt to escape the violence by emigrating to Britain, Australia and Turkey.
The view of Turkish Cypriots: The Cyprus's Supreme Court ruling found that Makarios had violated the constitution by failing to fully implement its measures and that Turkish Cypriots had not been allowed to return to their positions in government without first accepting the proposed constitutional amendments. Also, Turkish Cypriots did not self-segregate themselves:then - United Nations Secretary General, U Thant's S/5950 (10 September 1964) report (paragraph 180) UNFICYP carried out a detailed survey of all damage to properties throughout the island during the disturbances;it shows that in 109 villages, most of them Turkish-Cypriot or mixed villages, 527 houses have been destroyed while 2.000 others have suffered damage from looting . As a result, Turkish Cypriot Provisional Administration founded on 28 December 1967. The view Greek Cypriots: the Turkish Cypriots' withdrawal from the government and their retreat into enclaves was a voluntary action, prompted by their desire to form a state of their own:the n - United Nations Secretary General, U Thant, in 1965 stated that Turkish Cypriots had furthered a policy of "self-segregation" and taken a "rigid stand" against policies which might have involved recognizing the government's authority. - 15 ] - -

Founder, and former President, Rauf Denktaş
On July 15, 1974, the Greek military junta of 1967-1974 backed a Greek Cypriot military coup d'état in Cyprus. President Makarios was removed from office and Nikos Sampson took his place. Turkey claimed that, under the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee, the coup was sufficient reason for military action to protect the Turkish Cypriot populace, and thus Turkey invaded Cyprus on July 20, 1974. Following Turkey's military intervention, the coup failed and Makarios returned to Cyprus. Turkish forces proceeded to take over the northern third of the island (about 37% of Cyprus's total area), causing large numbers of Greek Cypriots to abandon their homes. Approximately 160,000 Greek Cypriots fled to the south of the island, while 50,000 Turkish Cypriots fled north. Approximately 1,500 Greek Cypriot and 500 Turkish Cypriots remain missing. -
In 1975 the "Turkish Federative State of Cyprus" (Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devleti ) was declared as a first step towards a future federated Cypriot state, but was rejected by the Republic of Cyprus, the UN, and the international community. After eight years of failed negotiations with the leadership of the Greek Cypriot community, the north declared its independence on November 15, 1983 under the name of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus . This unilateral declaration of independence was rejected by the UN and the Republic of Cyprus. In recent years the politics of reunification has dominated the island's affairs. It was hoped that Cyprus's planned accession into the European Union would act as a catalyst towards a settlement, and in 2004 a United Nations - brokered peace settlement was presented in a referendum to both sides. The proposed settlement was opposed by both the president of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos, and Turkish Cypriot president Rauf Denktaş;in the referendum, a majority of Turkish Cypriots accepted the proposal, but Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly rejected it. As a result, Cyprus entered the European Union as a divided island, with Northern Cyprus effectively excluded. Denktaş resigned in the wake of the vote, ushering in the pro-solutionist Mehmet Ali Talat as his successor.

History of Cyprus, Cyprus under the Ottoman Empire, Cyprus dispute, and Operation Atilla

- Government and politics -
Politics of Northern Cyprus
Politics of Northern Cyprus takes place in a framework of a semi-presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President : is head of state and the Prime Minister : head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Assembly of the Republic. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.
The president is elected for a five-year term. The current president is Derviş Eroğlu who won the presidential elections on April 18, 2010. The legislature is the Assembly of the Republic, which has 50 members elected by proportional representation from five electoral districts. In the elections of April 2009, the right-leaning pro-independence National Unity Party won an overall majority. -
Freedom House has classified Northern Cyprus as free in its annual reports for the last several years. -
- International status and foreign relations -
Foreign relations of Northern Cyprus
London office of Northern Cyprus, Bedford Square.
The international community, with the exception of Turkey, does not recognise Northern Cyprus as a sovereign state, but recognises the de jure sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the whole island. The United Nations considers the declaration of independence by Northern Cyprus as legally invalid in several of its resolutions.
In wake of the April 2004 referendum on the United Nations Annan Plan, and the support of the Turkish Cypriot community for the plan, the European Union made pledges towards ending the isolation of northern Cyprus. These included measures for trade and 259 million euro in aid.
The Organization of the Islamic Conference gave Northern Cyprus the status of a constituent state, making the "Turkish Cypriot State" an observer member of the organization. - A number of high profile formal meetings have also taken place between President Mehmet Ali Talat and various foreign leaders and politicians including the former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the n British foreign minister, Jack Straw and former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
The Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) has issued a resolution recognizing Northern Cyprus' independence, but Azerbaijan has yet refrained to officially support this decision due to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
The European Union considers the area not under effective control of the Republic of Cyprus as EU territory under Turkish military occupation and thus indefinitely exempt from EU legislation until a settlement has been found. The status of Northern Cyprus has become a recurrent issue especially during the recent talks for Turkey's membership of the EU where the division of the island is seen as a major stumbling block in Turkey's long road to membership.
On February 18, 2008, Northern Cyprus became one of the first nations to acknowledge the Unilateral Declaration of Independence : of the Republic of Kosovo, in direct opposition to the stance of the Republic of Cyprus, which rejects the Kosovo UDI. It is argued by the Turkish and Northern Cyprus media that the independence of Kosovo could be a good model for the recognition of Northern Cyprus. It is to be stressed however that the government of Northern Cyprus has not yet formally recognized the government of Kosovo, despite President Talat's message of congratulations to Kosovo.
On March 1, 2010, The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recognized the North Cyprus' Immovable Property Commission (IPC) - As of 02 July 2010, 574 Greek Cypriot applications have been lodged to the IPC and 113 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and 4 through formal hearing.
On May 5, 2010, North Cyprus became a full member of European Small Business Alliance (ESBA).
- Military
Northern Cyprus has an indigenous 5,000-man Turkish Cypriot Security Force (TCSF), which is primarily made up of conscripted Turkish Cypriot males between the ages of 18 and 40. There is also an additional reserve force consisting of about 11,000 first-line, 10,000 second-line and 5,000 third-line troops conscripted up to the age of 50. The TCSF is lightly armed and heavily dependent on its mainland Turkish allies, from which it draws much of its officer corps. It is led by a Brigadier General drawn from the Turkish Army. It acts essentially as a gendarmerie charged with protection of the border of Northern Cyprus from Greek Cypriot incursions and maintaining internal security within Northern Cyprus.
In addition, the mainland Turkish Armed Forces maintain a Cyprus Turkish Peace Force (CTPF) consisting of around 30-40,000 troops drawn from the 9th Turkish Army Corps and comprising two divisions, the 28th and 39th. It is equipped with a substantial number of United States -made M48 Patton main battle tanks and artillery weapons. The Turkish Air Force, Turkish Navy and Turkish Coast Guard also have a presence in Northern Cyprus. Although formally part of Turkish 4th Army, headquartered in İzmir, the sensitivities of the Cyprus situation means that the commander of the CTPF also reports directly to the Turkish General Staff in Ankara. The CTPF is deployed principally along the Green Line and in locations where hostile amphibious landings might take place.
The presence of the mainland Turkish military in Cyprus is highly controversial, having been denounced as an illegal occupation force by the Republic of Cyprus government. Several United Nations Security Council resolutions have called on the Turkish forces to withdraw, - though failed Annan Plan of 2004 allowed for some troops to remain.
- Administrative divisions -
Administrative regions of Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus is divided into five districts.
Lefkoşa (Nicosia
Mağusa (Famagusta
Girne (Kyrenia
Güzelyurt (Morphou
İskele (Trikomo
Towns in North Cyprus
- Geography and climate -
Coastline in Northern Cyprus.
The winter in Northern Cyprus is cold and rainy, particularly between December and February, with 60% of annual rainfall. These rains produce winter torrents that fill most of the rivers, which typically dry up as the year progresses. Snow may fall on the Kyrenia Range, but seldom elsewhere in spite of low night temperatures. The short spring is characterized by unstable weather, occasional heavy storms and the "meltem", or westerly wind. Summer is hot and dry enough to turn low-lying lands on the island brown. Parts of the island experience the "Poyraz", a north-westerly wind, or the sirocco, a wind from Africa, which is dry and dusty. Summer is followed by a short, turbulent autumn.
Climate conditions on the island vary by geographical factors. The Mesaoria Plain, cut off from the summer breezes and from much of the humidity of the sea, may reach temperature peaks of 40-45 °C. Humidity rises at the Karpaz Peninsula. Humidity and water temperature (16 °C - 28 °C) combine to stabilize coastal weather, which does not experience inland extremes. The Southern Range blocks air currents that bring ra - atmospheric humidity from the south-west, diminishing both on its eastern side.
- Education -
Education in Northern Cyprus
The education system in Northern Cyprus consists of pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Five years of primary education is mandatory.
There are more than 40,000 university students in six universities in Northern Cyprus:Near East University, Girne American University, Middle East Technical University, European University of Lefke, Cyprus International University, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), all, except METU, established since 1974. EMU is an internationally recognised institution of higher learning with more than 1000 faculty members from 35 countries. There are 15,000 students in EMU representing 68 nationalities. The 6 universities have been approved by the Higher Education Council of Turkey. Eastern Mediterranean University and Near East University are full individual members of the European University Association . EMU is full member of Community of Mediterranean Universities, Federation Universities of Islamic World and International Association of Universities. Three universities (Istanbul Technical University, Cukurova University, Gazi University) will open campuses in North Cyprus in 2010. Girne American University of North Cyprus opened a campus in Canterbury, United Kingdom in 2009.
- Economy -
Economy of Northern Cyprus
The Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Famagusta (Gazimağusa). Formerly Τhe Saint Nicolas Cathedral before its conversion in 1571. Tourism remains an important source of revenue for Northern Cyprus.
Salamis is one of the important ancient cities in North Cyprus
The economy of Northern Cyprus is dominated by the services sector (69% of GDP in 2007) which includes the public sector, trade, tourism and education. Industry (light manufacturing) contributes 22% of GDP and agriculture 9%. - The economy operates on a free-market basis, with a great portion funding of the administration costs offered by Turkey.
Because of its status and the embargo by the Republic of Cyprus, Northern Cyprus is heavily dependent on Turkish economic support. - - It uses the New Turkish Lira as its currency which links its economic status to the Turkish economy. Since the Republic of Cyprus joined the Euro zone and the relaxed movement of peoples between north and south, the Euro is also in wide circulation. Most exports and imports have to take place via Turkey unless they are produced locally from materials sourced in Cyprus (or imported via one of the island's recognised ports) when they may be exported via one of the legal ports.
The continuing Cyprus problem adversely affects the economic development of Northern Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus, as the internationally recognised authority, has declared airports and ports in the area not under its effective control closed. All U.N. Member countries and E.U. member countries respect the closure of those ports and airports according to the declaration of the Republic of Cyprus. The Turkish community ] argues that the Republic of Cyprus has used its international standing to handicap economic relations between Northern Cyprus and the rest of the world.
Despite the constraints imposed by the lack of international recognition, the economy of Northern Cyprus turned in an impressive performance in the last few years. The nominal GDP growth rates of the economy in 2001-2005 were 5.4%, 6.9%, 11.4%, 15.4% and 10.6%, respectively. - The real GDP growth rate in 2007 is estimated at 2%. - This growth has been buoyed by the relative stability of the Turkish Lira and a boom in the education and construction sectors.
Between 2002 and 2007, Gross National Product per capita more than tripled (in current US dollars):
US$4,409 (2002
US$5,949 (2003
US$8,095 (2004
US$10,567 (2005
US$11,837 (2006
US$14,047 (2007, provisional
Studies by the World Bank show that the per capita GDP in Northern Cyprus grew to 76% of the per capita GDP in the Republic of Cyprus in PPP-adjusted terms in 2004 (US$22,300 for the Republic of Cyprus and US$16,900 for Northern Cyprus). - Official estimates for the GDP per capita in current US dollars are US$8,095 in 2004 and US$11,837 in 2006.
Although the economy has developed in recent years, it is still dependent on monetary transfers from the Turkish government. Under a July 2006 agreement, Ankara is to provide Northern Cyprus with an economic aid in the amount of $1.3 billion over three years (2006 - 2008). - This is a continuation of ongoing policy under which Turkish government allocates around $400 million annually from its budget to help raise the living standards of the Turkish Cypriots.
The number of tourists visiting Northern Cyprus during January-August 2006 was 380,000, - 37 ] - - up from 286,901 during January-August 2003. - 39 ] - -
- Communications and transport -
A Boeing 737-800 of Cyprus Turkish Airlines
International telephone calls are routed via a Turkish dialling code (+90 392) as Northern Cyprus has neither its own country code nor official ITU prefix. Similarly with the internet Northern Cyprus has no top level domain of its own and is under the Turkish second-level domain Postal mail must be addressed 'via Mersin 10, TURKEY' as the Universal Postal Union does not recognise Northern Cyprus as a separate entity. Amateur radio operators sometimes use callsigns beginning with "1B", but these have no standing for awards or other operating credit.
Direct flights to Northern Cyprus and the trade traffic through the Turkish Cypriot ports are restricted as part of the embargo on Turkish Cypriot ports. - 40 ] - - The airports of Geçitkale and Ercan are only recognised as legal ports of entry by Turkey and Azerbaijan. - 41 ] - - . The seaports in Famagusta and Kyrenia have been declared closed to all shipping by the Republic of Cyprus since 1974. - 42 ] - - By agreement between Northern Cyprus and Syria, there is a ship tour between Famagusta and Latakia, Syria. Since the opening of the Green Line Turkish Cypriot residents are allowed to trade through Greek Cypriot ports.
Naturalised citizens of Northern Cyprus or foreigners carrying a passport stamped by Northern Cyprus authorities may be refused entry by the Republic of Cyprus or Greece, - 44 ] - - although after the accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU such restrictions have been eased following confidence-building measures between Athens and Ankara and the partial opening of the UN controlled line by Northern Cyprus authorities. The Republic of Cyprus also allows passage across the Green Line from the part of Nicosia that it controls, as well as a few other selected crossing points, since Northern Cyprus does not leave entry stamps in the passport for such visits. Since May 2004 some tourists have taken to flying to the Republic of Cyprus directly then crossing the green line to holiday in Northern Cyprus. - 45 ] - -
- Demographics -
A photo of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus border.
According to a census carried out in the beginning of 2006 by the Turkish Cypriot administration, Northern Cyprus has a population of 265,100, - of which majority is composed of indigenous Turkish Cypriots, with the rest including a large number of settlers from Turkey. Of the 178,000 Turkish Cypriot citizens, 82% are native Cypriots (145,000). Of the 45,000 people born to non-Cypriot parentage, nearly 40% (17,000) were born in Cyprus. The figure for non-citizens, including students, guest workers and temporary residents stood at 78,000 people. - - 46 ] - -
Estimates by the government of the Republic of Cyprus from 2001 place the population at 200,000, of which 80-89,000 are Turkish Cypriots and 109,000-117,000 Turkish settlers. - 47 ] - - . An island-wide census in 1960 indicated the number of Turkish Cypriots as 102,000 and Greek Cypriots as 450,000 - 48 ] - - . Estimates state that 36,000 (about 1/3) Turkish Cypriots emigrated in the period 1975-1995, with the consequence that within Northern Cyprus the native Turkish Cypriots have been outnumbered by settlers from Turkey. - 47 ] - -
Northern Cyprus is almost entirely Turkish speaking. English, however, is widely spoken as a second language. Many of the older Turkish Cypriots speak and understand Greek - some may even be considered native speakers of the Greek Cypriot dialect.
There are small populations of Greek Cypriots and Maronites (about 3,000) living in Rizokarpaso (Dipkarpaz) and Kormakitis regions. Before 1974, Rizokarpaso was predominantly inhabited by Greek-Cypriots. During the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, the peninsula was cut off by Turkish troops, and this prevented the town's Greek-Cypriot inhabitants from fleeing to the South. As a result, Rizokarpaso is the home of the biggest Greek-speaking population in the North. The Greek-Cypriot inhabitants are still supplied by the UN, and Greek-Cypriot products are consequently available in some shops. Today, the town is also the home of a large Kurdish minority, closely monitored by the Turkish-Cypriot police. The town has both a Kafeneion and a Kahvehane and both seem to be used indiscriminately by both ethnic groups. ]
- Sports -
National teams of Cyprus and North Cyprus matched first time in 2010 in pool billiard.
North Cyprus’ sportmen gained medals in various sports like badminton, billard, bike, bocce, footballtennis, golf, karting, taekwando and paragliding in the world.
Badminton Federation of North Cyprus is an observer member of World Badminton Federation and European Badminton Confederation.
Billiard Federation of North Cyprus (BFNC) is a member of European Pocket Billard Federation (EPBF) (and therefore a member of World Pool Billard Association) - 49 ] - - . National teams of Cyprus and North Cyprus matched in an international sport tournament for the first time in Pool Billiard 2010 of European Championships for National Teams in Kielce, Poland - 50 ] - - - 51 ] - -.
Bocce Federation of North Cyprus is a member of International Bocce Association.
EasyKart Federation of North Cyprus is a member of International EasyKart Federation - 52 ] - -.
FootballTennis Association of North Cyprus is a member of Federation International FootballTennis Association. - 53 ] - - . 2011 European FootballTennis Championship will be hosted by North Cyprus.
Taekwon-do Federation of North Cyprus is a member of Global Taekwon-do Federation (GTF) - 54 ] - -.
- Human rights
Freedom House, a human rights organization, has classified Northern Cyprus as "free" since 2000. According to its rating the human rights situation in Northern Cyprus is somewhat worse than in the Republic of Cyprus but better than in Turkey. - - 56 ] - -
The constant focus on the division of the island sometimes masks other human rights issues. - 57 ] - - Prostitution is rife in both the North and the South, and the island has been criticized for its role in the sex trade as one of the main routes of human trafficking from Eastern Europe. - 58 ] - - - 59 ] - - The regime in Northern Cyprus has been the focus of occasional freedom of speech criticisms - 60 ] - - regarding heavy-handed treatment of newspaper editors. Domestic violence legislation has not yet been passed in Northern Cyprus. - 61 ] - - A difference between Southern and Northern Cyprus in terms of human rights issues remains the criminalisation of male homosexuality in the latter. - 62 ] - -
- See also -
Outline of Northern Cyprus
History of Nationality in Cyprus
- References -
  • ^ Country Report on Northern Cyprus, 2006
  • ^ a b c TRNC General Population and Housing Unit Census 2006, TRNC State Planning Organization, updated 7 October 2008.
  • ^ a Economic and Social Indicators 1977-2007, TRNC State Planning Organization, February 2008
  • The social and economic impact of EU membership on northern Cyprus", Diez, Thomas (2002). The European Union and the Cyprus Conflict:Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union . Manchester University Press. p. 187. ISBN 0719060796. -
  • ^ a b c d In Praise of 'Virtual States', Leon Hadar, November 16, 2005
  • ^ Carter Johnson, University of Maryland. Sovereignty or Demography? Reconsidering the Evidence on Partition in Ethnic Civil Wars, 2005
  • Emerson, Michael (2004). The Wider Europe Matrix . CPSE. ISBN 9290794690. -
  • ^ a b UN Security Council resolutions 353(1974), 357(1974), 358(1974), 359(1974), 360(1974), 365(1974
  • David Hannay, 2005. Cyprus the search for a solution. I.B Tauris.
  • ^ a b The Main Narrative, continued The Cyprus Conflict
  • Cyprus - The Republic of Cyprus (, U.S. Library of Congress
    Andrew Borowiec, 2000. Cyprus:A troubled island. Praeger/Greenwood p.56
    Quoted in Andrew Borowiec, 2000. Cyprus:A troubled island. Praeger/Greenwood p.58
    Stephen, Michael, (1987) Cyprus:Two Nations in One Island Bow Educational Briefing No.5. London, Pages 1-7
    (Report S/6426 10.6.65)
  • ^ Bones of Cyprus missing unearthed BBC News
  • Hürriyet, Right-leaning party wins in northern Cyprus elections
  • ^ a b Territory ratings and status, FIW 1973-2008, Freedom House
  • ^ Ods Home Page
  • ODS - Sédoc Official Documents System of the United Nations
  • ^ Islamic Conference's Parliaments to Call Northern Cyprus 'Cyprus Turkish State Zaman
  • REGNUM news agency press release
    David Gow;Helena Smith (2004-10-07). EU puts Turkey on a long road to accession". London:The Guardian.,12700,1321511,00.html -
    Ercakica on the recognition of Kosovos independence
    Demopoulos and Others vs. Turkey Paragraph 103, ECHR:"Remedies available in the "TRNC" (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), as a competant legal authority, in particular, the IPC procedure, may be regarded as “domestic remedies".
    Paragraph 116, ECHR:"ECHR cannot agree that the respondent State should be prohibited from taking into account other considerations, in particular the position of third parties. It cannot be within this Court's task in interpreting and applying the provisions of the Convention to impose an unconditional obligation on a Government to embark on the forcible eviction and rehousing of potentially large numbers of men, women and children even with the aim of vindicating the rights of victims of violations of the Convention".
    Greek Cypriots' Cyprus-Mail Gazette:"ECHR recognises north’s Immovable Property Commission" ECHR recognized the North Cyprus' Immovable Property Commission.
    North Cyprus' Immovable Property Commission As of 02 July 2010, 574 Greek Cypriot applications have been lodged with the Commission and 113 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and 4 through formal hearing. IPC has paid GBP 43,428,850 to the applicants as compensation.
    ESBA's Northern Cyprus page On May 5, 2010 North Cyprus became ESBA member.
  • ^ a b "Cyprus." Jane's Sentinel:Eastern Mediterranean , issue 22, 2007.
  • Section source. Weather
    The official website of EUA :"In the select box "ALL COUNTRIES" select "OTHER", click to search"
    Turkish Cypriot President Opens Girne American University's Campus in Canterbury", Asia Pulse (via
  • ^ a b c CIA - The World Factbook - Cyprus :scroll down to section entitled Economy of the area administered by Turkish Cypriots
  • Universities:Little accord on the island". The Independent (London). 2007-11-08. -
  • ^ a b c General information about North Cyprus:Economy, web site of Unistar Investments Ltd., Bellapais, North Cyprus
  • Turkey, N. Cyprus sign economic development deal, Hurriyet Turkish Daily News, 4 May 2007.
  • ^ Tourism statistics for the period January-August 2003: North Cyprus Ministry of Economy and Tourism
  • Turkey 'will open up to Cyprus'". BBC News . 2006-12-07.
    North Cyprus Airport, Ercan, Larnaca, Cheap Flights Northern Cyprus
    Merchant Shipping
    HC 113 II 04.05.PDF
    Visa requirements for Cyprus
    Charlton, Gill (2005-02-05). On the case:non-existent flight;Northern Cyprus;children in the Algarve;Cannes". The Daily Telegraph (London). -
  • ^ a b (Quoted after the Euromosaic report, a study commissioned by the European Commission - PDF (120 KiB
  • Cyprus - SOCIETY
    European Pocket Billard Federation's Members Billiard Federation of North Cyprus (BFNC) is a member of European Pocket Billard Federation (EPBF
    Pool billiard matches history of Cyprus Cyprus matched with North Cyprus in an international sport tournament for the first time.
    Pool billiard matches history of North Cyprus North Cyprus matched with Cyprus in an international sport tournament for the first time
    International EasyKart Federation's Members EasyKart Federation of North Cyprus is a member of International EasyKart Federation
    Federation International Footballtennis Association's Members North Cyprus is a member of Federation International Footballtennis Association (FIFTA
    The official website of Global Taekwon-Do Federation North Cyprus is a member of Global Taekwon-Do Federation
    1 Members of GTF
    Country ratings and status, FIW 1973-2008, Freedom House
    US Department of State Report on Human Rights in Cyprus
    Jean Christou. US report raps Cyprus over battle on flesh trade". -
    Jacqueline Theodoulou. A shame on our society". -
    U.S. Department of State (March 1996). Cyprus Human Rights Practices, 1995:Discrimination Based on Race, Sex, Religion, Disability, Language, or Social Status. Hellenic Resources network. -
    Overview of the Human Rights Situation in North Cyprus by the Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation
    - Further reading -
    North Cyprus - a Pocket-Guide . Rustem Bookshop, Nicosia. 2006. ISBN 994496803x. -
    - External links -
    Official links
    Parliament of Northern Cyprus Republic
    Precidency, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
    Northern Cypriot Tourism Office
    TRNC Public Information Office
    TRNC Central Bank in Turkish language
    Other links
    Embargo! Non-profit association campaigning against the total economic embargo imposed on the population of North Cyprus
    ATCA News, Association of Turkish Cypriots Abroad
    North Cyprus Home Page
    Islamic Conference's Parliaments to Call TRNC 'Cyprus Turkish State'" JTW
    International Expert Panel for a European Solution in Cyprus
    Assembly of Turkish American Associations
    Chronology - Cyprus Issue
    Turkish Cypriots of Australia - Historical Book
    North Cyprus Times
    Northern Cyprus Almanac
    Münüse, Folk Music
    Northern Cyprus travel guide from Wikitravel
    EU task-force on Turkish Cypriot community
    Northern Cyprus a refuge for British fugitives
    Attorney-General v. Ibrahim ("Principle of necessity"
    1 Includes the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. - 2 Recognized only by Turkey;see Cyprus dispute. -
    Northern Cyprus - Topics - on Northern Cyprus -
    People and
    - Turkish Cypriots - - Turkish people - - Turkic peoples - - Cypriot Turkish - - Gibrizlija - - Turkish language - - Turkic languages
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    - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) - - Assembly - - President : - - Prime Minister : - - Elections - - Political parties - - Constitution - - more
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    Telecommunication -
    General Information and Updated References Northern_Cyprus General Information and Updated References
    Phones and Dial Codes


    Company : Cyta
    Website :  Cyta

    Phone : 132 / +357 22 880 100 / +357 22 880 132
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

    Cyta - Connecting Cyprus with Cyta

    Discover how Cyta is connecting Cyprus through advanced telecommunications services. Explore Cyta's commitment to providing high-quality communication solutions, fostering connectivity across the island, and contributing to Cyprus' digital progress. Cyta, or the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, is a leading telecommunications company serving Cyprus.

    Historical Significance:
    Established in 1961, Cyta has a rich history of providing reliable and innovative telecommunications services. It has played a crucial role in shaping the country's digital landscape.

    Network Infrastructure:
    Cyta has invested significantly in building a robust telecommunications network, encompassing fixed-line, mobile, and internet services. This infrastructure forms the backbone of Cyprus's digital connectivity.

    Mobile Services:
    Cyta offers mobile services, enabling people across Cyprus to stay connected. Their mobile network provides extensive coverage, ensuring that even remote areas have access to telecommunications.

    Internet and Broadband:
    Cyta is a key player in delivering high-speed internet and broadband services. This connectivity is essential for both individuals and businesses, supporting various online activities.

    International Connectivity:
    Cyta's international links ensure that Cyprus remains connected to the global telecommunications network. This is vital for international communications and data exchange.

    Community Engagement:
    Beyond its services, Cyta actively engages with the community through various initiatives, contributing to the social and economic development of Cyprus.

    Cyta Cyprus is more than a telecommunications provider; it is a cornerstone of the nation's digital infrastructure. Through its history, network infrastructure, mobile and internet services, international connectivity, and community engagement, Cyta connects people, businesses, and the entire nation.

    Plans :

    Cyprus Cyta Plans

    • Freedom:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €28.00 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: 10 Mbps.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • Freedom Plus:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €33.00 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: 30 Mbps.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • Freedom Max:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €41.00 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: Maximum available.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • NETWORK 1:

      • 300 minutes, 300 SMS and 1 GB of data.

      • Price: €11.00 per month.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • NETWORK 2:

      • 800 minutes, 800 SMS and 4 GB of data.

      • Price: €17.00 per month.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • FREEDOM Family:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €60.00 per month.

      • Advantages: One account for all family members (2 to 6), flexible GB allocation, 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free apps and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • BLACK:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €110.00 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: Maximum available.

      • Advantages: VIP service, a new smartphone every year, 100 minutes of international calls to the EU, 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free apps and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    Prepaid :

    Cyprus Cyta Prepaid for Youth

    • FREEDOM:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €19.60 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: 10 Mbps.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • FREEDOM Plus:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €23.10 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: 30 Mbps.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.

    • FREEDOM Max:

      • Unlimited minutes, SMS and GB.

      • Price: €28.70 per month.

      • Mobile Internet speed: Maximum available.

      • Advantages: 5G, Roaming like at home, eSIM, free applications and Cyta personal cloud storage.


    Company : PrimeTel
    Website :  PrimeTel

    Phone : (+357) 22 102210
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

    PrimeTel - Empowering Cyprus with PrimeTel

    Experience the empowerment brought by PrimeTel in Cyprus. Learn about PrimeTel's role in delivering innovative communication solutions, enhancing connectivity options, and contributing to the technological advancement of the country. PrimeTel, a prominent telecommunications company in Cyprus, is dedicated to providing exceptional connectivity and services.

    A Trusted Name:
    Since its establishment, PrimeTel has earned the trust of the Cypriot people by offering reliable and innovative telecommunications solutions.

    Diverse Services:
    PrimeTel stands out for its comprehensive range of services. From mobile to internet and television, they cover all facets of modern telecommunications.

    Advanced Mobile Services:
    PrimeTel's mobile services ensure seamless communication for individuals and businesses. Their network offers extensive coverage, including advanced 4G and 5G technologies.

    High-Speed Internet:
    PrimeTel is synonymous with high-speed internet. With cutting-edge broadband solutions, they cater to the growing demand for fast and stable connections.

    TV Entertainment:
    Enhancing the entertainment experience, PrimeTel's television services provide a wide array of channels and on-demand content.

    Focus on Innovation:
    PrimeTel consistently invests in technology, driving innovation and improving the digital landscape of Cyprus.

    Community Enrichment:
    PrimeTel doesn't just connect people; it enriches the community through various social and cultural initiatives, contributing to Cyprus's growth.

    PrimeTel is not just a telecommunications company; it's a cornerstone of progress in Cyprus. Through a wide range of services, technological innovation, and community enrichment, PrimeTel remains dedicated to connecting you with excellence.

    Plans :

    Cyprus PrimeTel Plans

    • GIGA Unlimited:

      • Unlimited data.

      • Mobile internet speed of 20 Mbps.

      • Unlimited minutes and SMS to everyone.

      • Price: €14.99 per month (reduced price offer for 12 months).

      • Available with eSIM.

    • GIGA Unlimited Plus:

      • Unlimited data.

      • Maximum mobile internet speed.

      • Unlimited minutes and SMS to everyone.

      • Price: €18.99 per month (reduced price offer for 12 months).

      • Available with eSIM.

    • GIGA Unlimited MAX:

      • Unlimited data.

      • Maximum mobile internet speed.

      • Unlimited minutes and SMS to everyone.

      • 200 minutes to 44 international destinations.

      • Price: €22.99 per month (reduced price offer for 12 months).

      • Available with eSIM.

    Prepaid :

    Cyprus PrimeTel Prepaid

    • PAY AS YOU GO with eSIM:

      • Includes a data package: get a 95xxxxx number with eSIM, 100 GB of data and €1 credit for calls, texts and data usage.

      • The cost of the plan is €20.

    • €5 Top-up Amount:

      • €5 credit to top up.

      • Free duration: 5 days.

      • Free data: 1000 MB.

    • €10 Top-up Amount:

      • €10 credit to top up.

      • Free duration: 10 days.

      • Free data: 1000 MB.

    • €20 Top-up Amount:

      • €20 credit to top up.

      • Free duration: 20 days.

      • Free data: 1000 MB.

    • €35 Top-up Amount:

      • €35 credit to top up.

      • Free duration: 30 days.

      • Free data: 1000 MB.

    • €50 Top-up Amount:

      • €50 credit to top up.

      • Free duration: 30 days.

      • Free data: 1000 MB.


    Company : Cablenet
    Website :  Cablenet

    Phone : 130
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

    Cablenet - Nurturing Connections with Cablenet

    Explore how Cablenet is nurturing connections in Cyprus. Delve into Cablenet's efforts to provide comprehensive telecommunications services, ensuring reliable connectivity and contributing to the growth of communication infrastructure. Cablenet, a leading telecommunications provider in Cyprus, has played a significant role in revolutionizing the country's digital landscape. This article explores Cablenet's contributions to the telecommunications industry.

    Trusted Provider:
    Cablenet has earned the trust of the Cypriot community through its commitment to providing high-quality services and innovative solutions.

    Comprehensive Services:
    One of Cablenet's distinguishing features is its wide range of services. From high-speed internet to television and telephony, Cablenet offers a comprehensive package of modern telecommunications solutions.

    Superior Internet:
    Cablenet is known for its high-speed internet services, offering customers a seamless online experience. Their commitment to advanced technology ensures fast and reliable connectivity.

    Television Excellence:
    Cablenet's television services bring entertainment to new heights with a variety of channels and on-demand content. They cater to diverse preferences, enriching the viewing experience.

    Community Engagement:
    Beyond technology, Cablenet actively engages with the local community. They support cultural and social initiatives, contributing to the overall development of Cyprus.

    Embracing Innovation:
    Cablenet consistently invests in cutting-edge technology, staying at the forefront of the industry and striving for excellence.

    Cablenet stands as a pillar of innovation and connectivity in Cyprus. Their wide array of services, technological prowess, and community engagement make them a key player in the country's telecommunications sector, elevating the digital experience for all.

    Plans : Holidays on the Loop: includes the following benefits for 30 days, 20 GB of data for navigation. 500 minutes of calls. 500 SMS.


    Company : Epic
    Website :  Epic

    Phone : 136 / +357 96 136 136 (international)
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

    Epic - Elevating Communication with Epic

    Learn how Epic is elevating communication in Cyprus. Discover Epic's initiatives to provide modern communication solutions, improve connectivity experiences, and contribute to Cyprus' journey towards a digital future. Epic, a prominent name in Cyprus's telecommunications landscape, has been instrumental in shaping the country's digital future.

    Trusted Telecommunications Provider:
    Epic has earned the trust of the Cypriot community by offering top-tier services and spearheading technological innovation.

    Extensive Service Portfolio:
    Epic boasts a comprehensive service portfolio, encompassing high-speed internet, television, and telephony. They stand out by delivering a broad spectrum of cutting-edge telecommunications solutions.

    High-Speed Internet:
    Epic is renowned for its lightning-fast internet services, ensuring customers enjoy a seamless online experience. Their unwavering dedication to advanced technology guarantees swift and reliable connectivity.

    Television Excellence:
    Epic's television services redefine entertainment with a diverse range of channels and on-demand content. They cater to a wide array of preferences, enriching the viewing experience.

    Community Involvement:
    Beyond their technological offerings, Epic actively engages with the local community, supporting cultural and social initiatives that contribute to the overall development of Cyprus.

    Championing Technological Advancements:
    Epic continually invests in cutting-edge technology, consistently staying at the forefront of the telecommunications industry and maintaining a steadfast commitment to excellence.

    Epic stands as a vanguard of innovation and connectivity in Cyprus. Their comprehensive service offerings, technological prowess, and active community engagement establish them as a key player in the country's telecommunications sector, shaping the digital experience for all.

    Plans :

    Cyprus Epic Plans

    • 5G Value Plan:

      • The maximum installment amount for a new device is €168.

    • 5G Advanced Plan:

      • The maximum installment amount for a new device is €480.

    • 5G Unlimited Max Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €720.

      • Monthly fee: €33.33 x 12.

      • Initial payment: €0.

    • 5G Unlimited Max Plus Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €720.

      • Monthly fee: €83.33 x 6.

      • Initial payment: €0.

    Prepaid :

    Cyprus Epic Prepaid

    • Small Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €168.

    • Small Plan 1:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €168.

    • Medium Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €312.

    • Medium Plan 3:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €312.

    • Unlimited Plan 2:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €576.

    • Unlimited Plan 3:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €816.

    • Unlimited Plan 5:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €576.

    • Unlimited Plan 6:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €816.

    • Unlimited Plan 12:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €1200.

    • Unlimited Plan 15:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €816.

    • Unlimited All Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €912.

    • Unlimited All Plus Plan:

      • Maximum installment amount for a device: €1512.


    Company : OCECPR
    Website :

    Phone : (+357) 22693000
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter

    (OCECPR) Office of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation

    The Office of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR) in Cyprus serves as the principal regulatory authority responsible for overseeing the country's electronic communications and postal sectors. With a mission to ensure efficiency, competition, and innovation, OCECPR plays a pivotal role in fostering a robust digital landscape in Cyprus.

    Electronic Communications Regulation:
    OCECPR is primarily tasked with regulating and supervising electronic communications networks and services in Cyprus. This includes licensing, ensuring adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks, and safeguarding the interests of both service providers and consumers.

    Postal Services Oversight:
    In addition to electronic communications, OCECPR oversees the postal sector, ensuring that postal services are provided efficiently, affordably, and in compliance with national and international standards.

    Market Competition:
    Promoting competition is a central focus of OCECPR's activities. By enforcing rules that encourage fair competition among service providers, the authority aims to provide consumers with diverse and cost-effective options.

    Consumer Protection:
    OCECPR places a strong emphasis on safeguarding consumer rights. It ensures that citizens have access to high-quality electronic communications and postal services while monitoring adherence to service quality standards.

    International Cooperation:
    Cyprus's participation in the global digital landscape requires close collaboration with international organizations and regulatory bodies. OCECPR actively cooperates with these entities to align Cyprus's regulations with global standards.

    Innovation and Technological Advancement:
    To keep Cyprus at the forefront of technological advancements, OCECPR encourages research and development in the electronic communications and postal sectors. This fosters innovation and drives the country's digital progress.

    Efficient Resource Allocation:
    OCECPR is tasked with efficiently managing and allocating resources, such as radio frequencies, to ensure optimal usage while minimizing interference.

    The Office of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR) plays a vital role in facilitating Cyprus's digital transformation. By regulating the electronic communications and postal sectors, promoting competition, protecting consumers, and fostering innovation, OCECPR contributes to the country's digital progress. Stay informed about OCECPR's crucial work by visiting its official website and accessing the latest updates and initiatives.

    Find out how OCECPR is advancing communication in Cyprus. Explore OCECPR's role in providing essential telecommunications services, fostering connectivity, and contributing to the overall development of Cyprus' communication landscape.

    Phones in Cyprus

    Phones in Cyprus . (357) Find the best mobile phone companies in Cyprus. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. CY List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
    Cyprus : Famagusta, Kyrenia, Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassol, Paphos

    Mobile Phone Companies

    List of cell phone companies in Cyprus :






    What is the best mobile phone company in Cyprus?
    Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Cyprus.
    These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
    Mobile phone companies in Cyprus offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
    Cyprus 357 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
    Yellow Pages
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    CY Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
    White Pages
    Cyprus Find address and telephones numbers.
    357 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. CYP
    Search in Cyprus :


    iso2 : CY
    iso3 : CYP
    Country : Cyprus
    Lat : 35.1264
    Long : 33.4299
    Population : 1207361
    Latitude: 35.1264, Longitude: 33.4299, ISO: Cyprus (CY) - Population : 1207361

    ISO : CY
    ISO3 : CYP
    ISO-Numeric : 196
    FIPS : CY
    Country : Cyprus
    Capital : Nicosia
    Area km2 : 9250
    Population : 1189265
    Continent : EU
    Internet : .cy
    Currency Code : EUR
    Currency Name : Euro
    Phone : 357
    Postal Code Format : ####
    Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
    Languages : el-CY,tr-CY,en
    Geo : 146669
    Phones in Cyprus
    - Where to find Phones in Cyprus? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Cyprus
    - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
    Search Phones
    . Find phones in Cyprus. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
    Mobile Phones
    in Cyprus. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
    Cyprus Codes
    and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
    Yellow pages of Cyprus
    to locate Phones in Cyprus Business Directory. Where to search business in Cyprus? Use the list of yellow pages in Cyprus to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Cyprus.
    - How to call to Cyprus? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
    White pages in Cyprus
    to find phone numbers in Cyprus. Where to find people in Cyprus? How can I find people in Cyprus? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Cyprus. Where to search Phones in Cyprus?
    can I find a phone number in Cyprus ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
    Maps of Cyprus - Location and Map of Cyprus. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
    Phones in Cyprus - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Cyprus. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
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