

Tajikistan - Mobile Phones
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Calling code +992 -
Internet domain name for the country (TLD) : .tj
Tajik - Ministry of Transport and Communications
Republic of Tajikistan - - Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон - Jumhurii Tojikiston
Flag  -
Location of Tajikistan :  -
Capital : Dushanbe
Map Latitude : 38°33′N - Longitude : 68°48′E - 38.55°N 68.8°E - 38.55;68.8
Official language(s) : Tajik
People : Tajikistani
Government : Unitary presidential republic
President : Emomalii Rahmon, 2010
Prime Minister : Oqil Oqilov
Independence - Establishment of the Samanid Empire 875 AD - Declared in September 9, 1991 - Completed in December 25, 1991
Area Total : 143,100 km (55,251 (sq mi)
Population : 2009 estimate - 7,349,145 - Density : 48.6/km (125.8/sq mi)
GDP = Purchasing power parity PPP : 2009 estimate - Total : $13.666 billion - Per capita : $2,103
GDP (nominal) - 2009 estimate - Total : $4.982 billion - Per capita : $767
Currency : Somoni (TJS)
Time zone : - Tajikistan Time : TJT - (UTC) +5 -
State Statistical Committee of Tajikistan
Tajikistan /ˈtədʒiːkɨstæn/ Тоҷикистон - Persian : ˈtɔd​ʒikɪsˈtɔn - the Republic of Tajikistan - Tajik :Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон - , Jumhurii Tojikiston - Russian Республика Таджикистан - , Respublika Tadzhikistan - Persian جمهوری تاجیکستان - Jomhuri-ye Tajikestan
Provinces of Tajikistan and Districts of Tajikistan
Tajikistan consists of 4 administrative divisions. These are the provinces (viloyat) of Sughd and Khatlon, the autonomous province of Gorno-Badakhshan (abbreviated as GBAO), and the Region of Republican Subordination (RRP - Raiony Respublikanskogo Podchineniya in transliteration from Russian or NTJ - Ноҳияҳои тобеи ҷумҳурӣ in Tajik;formerly known as Karotegin Province). Each region is divided into several districts : Ноҳия - , nohiya or raion ), which in turn are subdivided into jamoats (village-level self-governing units) and then villages (qyshloqs ). As of 2006, there were 58 districts and 367 jamoats in Tajikistan.

Division - ISO 3166-2 - Capital - Area (km²) - Pop (2008)
Sughd - TJ-SU - Khujand - 25,400 - 2,132,100
Region of Republican Subordination - TJ-RR - Dushanbe - 28,600 - 1,606,900
Khatlon - TJ-KT - Qurghonteppa  - 24,800 - 2,579,300
Gorno-Badakhshan - TJ-BG - Khorugh - 64,200 - 218,000
Satellite photograph of Mountains of Tajikistan
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Government
Pres. Emomali RAHMON
Prime Min. Oqil OQILOV
Dep. Prime Min. Murodali ALIMARDON
Dep. Prime Min. Asadullo GHULOMOV
Dep. Prime Min. Ruqiya QURBANOVA
Min. of Agriculture Qosim QOSIMOV
Min. of Culture Mirzoshohrukh ASRORI
Min. of Defense Sherali KHAYRULLOYEV, Col. Gen.
Min. of Economic Development and Trade Farrukh HAMRALIEV
Min. of Education Abdujabbor RAHMONOV
Min. of Energy and Industry Sherali GUL
Min. of Finance Safarali NAJMUDDINOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Hamrokhon ZARIFI
Min. of Health Nusratullo SALIMOV
Min. of Internal Affairs Abdurahim QAHOROV
Min. of Justice Bakhtiyor KHUDOYOROV
Min. of Labor and Social Security Shukhurjon ZUHOROV
Min. of Land Improvement and Water Economy Saidi YOQUBZOD
Min. of Transport and Communications Olimjon BOBOEV
Chmn., State Committee on National Security Khayridin ABDURAHIMOV
Chmn., State Committee on State Property Davlatali SAIDOV
Chmn., State Committee on Statistics Mirgand SHABOZOV
Prosecutor Gen. Sherhon SALIMZODA
Dir., Drug Control Agency Rustam NAZAROV, Lt. Gen.
Chmn., National Bank Sharif RAHIMZODA
Ambassador to the US Abdujabbor SHIRINOV
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sirojidin ASLOV
Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan , November 6, 1994, Article 2.
Provinces and regions of Tajikistan -
Sughd - - Khatlon - - Region of Republican Subordination - - Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province -
Tajikistan -
Phones and Dial Codes


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ISO-Numeric : 762
Country : Tajikistan
Capital : Dushanbe
Area km2 : 143100
Population : 9100837
Continent : AS
Internet : .tj
Currency Code : TJS
Currency Name : Somoni
Phone : 992
Postal Code Format : ######
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{6})$
Languages : tg,ru
Geo : 1220409
Neighbours countries : CN,AF,KG,UZ
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Phones Tajikistan 2025
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